Why you need to listen to the Get Rich Slow Selling Yourself episode with James Newell

Being able to sell with confidence and authenticity is crucial if you want to be successful as an entrepreneur. But how can you learn to sell in a way that is compelling, ethical and ‘you’?

Every business owner and freelancer needs to be able to sell. You need to sell yourself, first and foremost, and then your offering. But for many people, especially women, the idea of asking for money is terrifying.

They worry that they’ll be perceived as pushy or insincere if they overtly sell and, as a result, usually fail to successfully ask for the business, and lose money to a more confident competitor.

But imagine if you could reframe ‘sales’. If you could find a way to not just get over your fear or dislike of selling, but actually embrace, respect and enjoy it. Just think of the difference it would make to your bank balance – and confidence – if you could sell naturally and easily to happy customers who loved what you did.

Because the difference between people who can sell and those who can’t usually comes down to this – understanding and loving selling. And being able to be authentically themselves, while asking for business.

And to help you bridge that gap, we interviewed James Newell from Clear Sales Message. In his career, James has sold over £600 million of cars, and today coaches entrepreneurs and organisations in the art and science of selling.

We wanted to learn the secrets of genuine, successful, ethical selling. And how even the most reluctant seller could share what they did, and ask for the sale, with confidence.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this Get Rich Slow podcast episode:

  • What selling over £600 million of cars really taught James about selling
  • The surprising thing selling is REALLY about
  • How real selling is about putting your buyers’ needs first
  • Why most people sell the wrong things to people – and what you need to sell instead
  • What the false consensus effect means, and how it makes it harder to sell
  • Why we’ve been miss-sold selling, and what it really looks like
  • Why traditional selling always has a loser – and why that puts us off
  • How not to get friend-zoned when selling
  • Why successful sales pitches include both information and opportunity
  • Why we’re scared to ask for a sale (and why NOT asking puts people off)
  • The simple reframe that makes it easy for anyone to sell
  • The giveaway sign that someone is going to buy (and when they’re not)
  • The ‘who else’ question you need to ask before spending time on a sale
  • How to sell in times of financial uncertainty
  • How to reassure people who are considering buying from you
  • Why James doesn’t approve of scripts – and what to use instead
  • The common sales mistakes to avoid
  • Why you should never pressurise someone into a sale
  • And why, if you don’t feel comfortable doing something, then you probably shouldn’t do it

Listen to Selling Yourself with James Newell now 

You can listen to the Selling Yourself episode of the Get Rich Slow podcast with James Newell here now!