How to cut out the workplace jargon and communicate clearly

Is your company guilty of using workplace jargon? Find out why it is time to ditch it, and an easy tool to help you.

More than 8 out of 10 workers admit to using workplace jargon like ‘blue-sky thinking’ and ‘pushing the envelope.’ 

But check this out – around 1 in 3 admit that they don’t know what many of these tired, worn-out business cliches actually mean!

In other words, workplace jargon is exactly what it sounds like – useless jargon.

We need to ditch the workplace jargon and start speaking to each other in plain English. Simple, straightforward communication is more precise and effective, leading to better outcomes for people and businesses. 

It’s also, let’s be honest, far less annoying. There’s nothing worse (at least not at work) than sitting through another jargon-packed presentation or never getting a straight answer from your line manager.

(WTF does ‘have synergy’ even mean?)

This latest guide from online CV builder was designed to help you and your colleagues communicate in a way that’s clear, concise, accessible, and, most importantly, productive.

It breaks down 11 examples of overused business jargon, technical terms, and slick buzzwords, translating them into everyday language and offering some plain-speaking alternatives.

Send it around the office and you’ll never have to hear anyone talking about ‘moving the needle’ or ‘low-hanging fruit’ ever again. 

And the next time you feel yourself slipping into jargon mode, you can pause, take a deep breath, and replace obscure phrases like ‘boil the ocean’ with something far more straightforward, like ‘let’s not waste time.’

But workplace jargon isn’t limited to the way we speak. It’s also infected the way we email each other. That’s why went the ‘extra mile’ (more jargon!!) to create a super-helpful Chrome extension that spots workplace jargon in unsent emails and offers a straight-talking alternative.

The easy-to-use plug-in is programmed to pick up on over 100 examples of jargon and corporate buzzwords. It’s the ideal tool for ‘trimming the fat’ from all your work emails and communication.