Four ways you can build the efficiency of your remote team
Over the past few years, the remote working model has gained in popularity, and for good reason.
The benefits of remote learning are many, and have been highlighted by many respectable publications.
That said, this new model of working has brought about new challenges, especially for managers. For example, when you have a large team of remote workers, tracking their productivity becomes a challenge.
Remote working may also give rise to miscommunication, which in turn, has a negative effect on the productivity of the team.
If these sound familiar, you’ve come to the right place. Here are four ways you can effectively track and improve the efficiency of your remote team.
1) Use the right collaboration tools
The output of your remote team depends on effective collaboration. It doesn’t matter how many “team players” you have on your team, if you don’t have the right tools, you’ll face problems while collaborating with them on different projects.
One of the most useful collaboration tools is a collaborative online whiteboard. Great for ideation and innovation, modern online whiteboards offer customisation options that allow you to track individual contributions effectively.
In fact, the right collaborative whiteboard platform like the Huddle Board can enable your team to communicate (on chat and video conference), collaborate, and present, on the same platform!
2) Encourage communication
For different people working from different geographical locations, being able to communicate effectively is crucial for better productivity.
The first step to achieving this is to ensure that all communication from your side is absolutely clear and concise. Next, encourage your team members to make use of video conferencing and chat apps to keep communication lines of whenever it is needed.
The benefits of effective communication are not limited to better execution of tasks. By making yourself approachable, you ensure that your team members, even when working remotely, feel involved with the organisation.
For this reason, don’t limit your communication facilitation efforts to talking about the tasks at hand. Make efforts to promote informal communication to foster the feeling of belonging within your remote team.
3) Train and develop your remote team
Treating your employees like employees helps you avoid the development of freelancer-like behavior within your remote team.
By providing your team with the same benefits and perks as your office-going team, you make them feel like they are also a valuable part of your organisation.
Even remote employees want to develop their skills and look forward to a path of growth. You can make it possible for them by employing elearning technologies and offering them learning and development opportunities relevant to them.
4) Recognise and reward
Taking the time out to recognise outstanding performances and contributions does more than simply give your teams an ego boost. In fact, recognition at the workplace can be associated with a number of things like improved productivity, improved job satisfaction, and even employee’s loyalty towards an organisation.
Don’t forget, when contributions are recognised, employees feel like they are actually contributing to the success of the organisation.
Photo by Helena Lopes