Do you struggle with selling? How our new masterclass can help

Do you hate selling? Find it uncomfortable, unnatural and difficult? If so you are not alone. Many freelancers and small businesses owners cite selling as one of their biggest fears. And as a result, don’t do it enough. 

The problem with not selling enough, or not selling well, is that you don’t earn the money you need. And in the midst of a cost of living crisis, when selling is harder than ever, this is can be a fatal mistake to make. 

We don’t want you to struggle to earn enough money, or need to reluctantly have to give up and look for a job. So we are holding a Sales Masterclass at 1pm UK time on Thursday 29 June. 

What will the Sales Masterclass cover?

The aim of the Sales Masterclass is to help you understand how sales work, and be better equipped to sell. So you can confidently and consistently earn more money – and help more people. 

Here’s what we’ll cover in the class:

  • We’ll reveal why we find sales so hard – and how to overcome that fear
  • We’ll show you a different approach that makes sales easy and natural
  • We’ll share strategies to make what you sell more irresistible to customers and clients
  • We’ll help you create a sales calendar to bring in more money consistently going forward

By the time you have finished the class, you’ll see sales very differently. You’ll feel more confident in selling while still being YOU, and you’ll have strategies you can use to sell more – including your own sales calendar with activities planned out. 

What do you get with the Sales Masterclass?

To help you master selling this, you also get as part of the class:

  • An invitation to join the live recording and ask questions
  • A copy of the recording to watch in your own time
  • An ebook of the class to review and make notes from
  • An interactive workbook to record actions you will take
  • A sales funnel video and workbook
  • Our sales calendar with video guide to setting yours up

Please note: You do not need to be the in UK to join this class. The recording is available afterwards and you have lifetime access to that and all resources.

Is the Sales Masterclass right for YOU?

You’ll find this class helpful if you:

  • Don’t like or feel comfortable selling
  • Are so afraid of rejection you avoid selling
  • Assume you can’t sell, so don’t try (or self-sabotage)
  • Don’t know how to get inside the customer’s head when selling
  • Don’t currently have a sales strategy

Basically if you aren’t currently selling with confidence, and don’t currently have all the sales you would like, you’ll find this class helpful. 

How can you watch the class?

To get access to the Sales Masterclass you can sign up now for the early bird price of £29, which includes VAT (full price after 29 June is £49). 

Once you sign up you’ll be sent an email with a link to join the live class at 1pm UK time on Thursday 29 June, plus a reminder with link 30 minutes before. You can watch live if you wish, but don’t need to.

On the day of the class you’ll have access to the recording, plus the following:

  • Interactive class workbook to record actions to take
  • Ebook of the class for easy revision and notes
  • Our sales funnel video and worksheet
  • Our sales calendar plus video guide

This class is a must-watch if you find selling tricky or aren’t consistently bringing in the sales you need. We look forward to sharing new insights and strategies so you can sell with confidence, help more people and earn more money. 

Ready to fall in love with selling – and earn more money? Book your place on our Sales Masterclass now with the early bird discount.