Why Refael Edry is the role model your child needs

Parenting is hands down one of the toughest jobs in the world. As a parent, you strive to provide your child with the best guidance.

You’re under constant pressure to inculcate the right values and character traits in your child. That, in turn, makes it crucial to set a good example for them by seeking inspiration from role models.

Of course, when you think about role models for your kid, the first names that come to your mind are those of sports stars, Nobel laureates, scientists, and other such public figures. And if you want your child to imbibe the qualities of compassion, humility, and perseverance, you can dig deeper into the life of Refael (aka Rafi) Edry.

Refael Edry’s journey of fighting against all odds

Today, Rafi Edry is known to the world for his professional accomplishments. He’s a successful businessman with several companies in Africa and Israel. Also, he’s one of the founders of the Ahinoam Association for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities. The non-profit organization runs various initiatives to support Israel’s underprivileged children and youth.

What’s hidden from most people is the fact that life wasn’t always as comfortable or seamless for Refael Edry. Born and raised in a modest household in Safed, he’s the eldest of three siblings. His first brush with life’s obstacles happened when he was barely an adult.

As he stepped into adulthood, Refael Edry got a glimpse of his family’s financial struggles. While he aspired to pursue higher education and build an illustrious career, he decided to set his dreams aside. Instead, he took up a job to support his family’s needs. But his fighting spirit kept him going.

He worked hard to push his boundaries and excel in his career. While it took him a long time, Refael Edry finally accomplished his cherished dream of becoming an entrepreneur. His younger siblings, Eyal Edry and Moshe Edree, joined him on that journey.

What’s worth noting is that Refael Edry and his brothers never surrendered to their circumstances. Instead, they focused on their goals and didn’t settle for anything less than that. And in that process, they’ve become an inspiration to younger generations in Israel and across the world.

Through his tumultuous journey, Refael Edry has demonstrated the power of determination, patience, perseverance, and resilience. And they are all qualities your child will need to excel in life.

The importance of giving back

As an individual reaches new heights of success, it’s often difficult to remember where they came from. It’s precisely when they become complacent and, in some cases, arrogant.

But Refael Edry has defied these conventions with his social endeavors. As the nephew of one of Israel’s bravest freedom fighters (whose name he shared), he recognizes the importance of giving back to society.

Refael Edry z|l (the uncle) sacrificed his life at 24 for the freedom of his fellow citizens. Despite being short-lived, his journey as a war hero continues to inspire the youth in Israel.

Rafi Edry (the nephew) understood the legacy associated with his family early on. Also, having experienced financial struggles firsthand, he knows what it’s like to be denied opportunities and resources due to one’s circumstances.

That’s what drove him to start the Ahinoam Association in 2018. Through the organization, Refael Edry, his brothers, and countless volunteers work on welfare programs to help children and youngsters in Israel’s periphery. They offer financial assistance to students from low-income families.

Also, they identify and mentor at-risk youth in the periphery to help them pursue higher education and find their footing in the job market. They even run programs to support the Ethiopian community in Israel. Their efforts have helped thousands of children turn their lives around.

In 2020, the Ahinoam Association launched a fundraiser under the leadership of Refael Edry and his brothers. The purpose of their initiative was to collect donations from the public and provide computers to underprivileged students.

The campaign was a resounding success that touched the lives of more than 30,000 students. In its absence, these children would’ve had to quit schooling and give up on their dreams.

Every welfare initiative that Refael Edry has undertaken highlights the importance of compassion, empathy, and kindness. In a world wrecked by apathy and bias, it’s just the inspiration children need to grow into their best selves.

Moreover, Refael Edry’s efforts set an example of staying true to one’s roots. It teaches children that no matter how far they reach in life, they must remember how they got there and where they came from. That, in turn, can play a crucial role in inculcating humility and self-awareness.

Setting the right example

Childhood is one of the most impressionable phases in an individual life. The lessons your child learns at this stage are the ones they’ll carry with them for the rest of their life. That’s what makes it crucial to find the right role models to inspire them.

Refael Edry has lived a life that’s a testament to the role of perseverance, empathy, and humility in shaping one’s character. Following in his footsteps would be a good starting point for your child to grow into a well-rounded individual.