Why our masterclasses are disappearing

Over the past few weeks we’ve been working hard behind the scenes on an exciting new way of delivering training courses to you.

And as part of our approach we are removing our masterclasses, which means you won’t be able to buy them any more.

Before they disappear forever though, we wanted to give you the opportunity to buy any you may need to keep forever. 

Get 10 of our most popular masterclasses for over 50% off

So you can buy any of our masterclasses individually here

Or you can pick up a bargain in our Masterclass Goodbye Sale and get a collection of 10 of our most popular masterclasses for more than 50% off. Here are the masterclasses you get: 

  • Branding Masterclass
  • LinkedIn Masterclass
  • Webinar Masterclass
  • Sales Page Masterclass
  • Productivity Masterclass
  • SEO Masterclass
  • Content Marketing Masterclass
  • Success Mindset Masterclass
  • Pricing Masterclass
  • Campaign Masterclass

When you buy the collection you get lifelong access to all these courses, giving you a wealth of invaluable business and marketing skills

You can now buy our masterclasses in £ or $

We’re also excited to announce that we are now able to sell courses in US$. This has been something we’ve wanted to do for a while as many of our readers live outside the UK, but haven’t had the ability to until now. 

The total value of these classes is £450/$590. However, you can get all 10 for just £199/$249 in our sale. 

You can see what you get in each masterclass here and snap up the collection now:

View GB£ page
View US$ page

Pay for the collection over six months

We know times are tough for many people right now. And a few of you have emailed us to ask if we can help with the upfront cost of the collection.

We want to help, so we’ve made an instalment plan for you. You can now get instant access to all 10 masterclasses for six monthly payments:

6 x £39 if you want to pay in UK currency
6 x $49 if you want to pay in US dollars

This means you can decide which of the 10 masterclasses you want to watch first right now for just £39 or $49.

Tip: How make back your investment more quickly

If you want to start making more money straight away we recommend starting with the Pricing Masterclass.

Several people emailed us after this class to let us know they had raised their prices after watching it – and got MORE business! Freelancer Carolyn Strand even raised the price on some work she was quoting for by 60% immediately after the class and won the business. 

(The Gardner’s Story and Grey Goose case study we share in the Pricing Masterclass explains why raising your prices often works in boosting sales.)

The Sales Page, Webinar and Campaign Masterclasses should also give you tips you can start applying straight away to increase your sales and make back your investment. 

Collect them all now and watch later

We have always found it helpful to focus on a different area or challenge a month. So you could spend the next 10 months working through each masterclass – and seeing the impressive results building up in your business.

And to get access to the entire collection for just £39 or $49 right now, you won’t find a better value way to get brilliant business and marketing training. 

But please do act quickly! The sale ends at midnight on Wednesday 13 July. After that date these masterclasses will disappear forever.

You can see what you get with each masterclass included and pay upfront or over six months by clicking the best link for you now:

View GB£ page
View US$ page