Why is active play crucial in your child’s development?

Active play is one of the most important things when it comes to the development of children. However, even though most parents know this and the fact that play is crucial in the learning of their children, they still do not create time and resources to ensure that their children are engaged in active play.

A bigger percentage of these parents assume that children are supposed to learn when acquiring new skills, or rather they should learn to acquire new skills. For instance, they learn to memorize things such as counting, the alphabet, and writing. 

Due to this, they associate playing with having fun and not learning anything or contributing anything to the development of their children. However, they are wrong because children learn a lot when playing. This means that active play is crucial to the development of children. 

It improves intelligence and learning context

Engaging in active play plays a crucial role when it comes to the intelligence of a child later in life. If you regularly give new toys to your children to play with when they are still young, you will be helping the development of their IQ by the time they are three years old.

In addition, active play is a child’s context for learning. Children get to explore and learn new things when playing. Parents, as well as schools, should therefore prepare the right tools for their children to engage in active play. 

One way of doing this is by getting Springboard supplies for schools to ensure that children have every supply that they need to engage in active play.

It stimulates brain development

Active play is important in the stimulation of a child’s brain development. This is because it provides different experiences that play a crucial role in the development of a child’s brain.

The brain of a child has a lot of brain cell connections, also known as synapses. The overproduction of synapses makes it possible for all the information captured when a child is still young to build a foundation for the development of the brain.

This means that if a child is staying in an environment with active and sensory play as well as play materials, he or she gets the right experiences that they need for the development of their brains. 

It improves language, vocabulary, and communication

There is a huge relationship between active play and the communication skills that a child gets by the time he or she grows up. When playing, especially with other children, they can improve their vocabulary as they try to speak and understand the other children.

In addition, playing together allows children to mimic what other children are saying, or rather reciprocate their words as well as actions. This helps them learn and improve their language, vocabulary, and communication.

It improves their creative thinking

Improving the creative thinking of a child is another importance of active play. Engaging in active play allows children to explore different potential solutions to problems or the things that they are playing with, leading to the generation of creative ideas.

In addition, active and free play allows children to design and explore games on their own, meaning that they engage in games that they would want to without any guidance.

This is important in making sure that the children imagine their scenarios and learn skills that can help them later in life. This improves their creative thinking.

It promotes emotion regulation and impulse control

A child is ready to go to school the moment they learn about self-regulation. However, different children learn how to regulate themselves at different stages of their lives. 

That notwithstanding, parents can speed it up by ensuring that their children are engaging in active play when they are still young.

This will ensure that the children are mature enough to control any negative emotions, handle challenging activities, avoid taking items from other children, and wait for their turn to do something. This can be achieved through active play.

It grows social empathy and competence

Finally, active play is important when growing social empathy and competence in children. When children are playing with other children, parents, or even siblings, they get to improve their social skills.

They also get to learn how to negotiate with the people they are playing with without any problems.

In conclusion, parents should make sure that their children are engaging in active play as early as possible. This is very important in the development of their children as well as the other benefits discussed above.

Photo by Sandra Seitamaa