Why I launched my own private investigation business

Looking for a new career direction? Find out how one woman launched her own private investigation business – and why the work isn’t what you’d imagine.

It is one of the worst feelings in the world – you think your partner is cheating. Your gut tells you they are, and they’re displaying classic signs: unaccounted and missing time periods, sudden interest in their appearance, their phone glued to their side…

You start to check their phone (if you can get hold of it for a fleeting moment), search through emails, and stalk their social media accounts looking at each friend, connection, likes or follower as a potential threat.

Maybe you go as far as turning up unexpectedly at work or when your partner would be surprised, hoping to catch them out and discover what is going on in your relationship. To uncover the truth.

I started my own private investigation business

The world of private investigators is an intimidating one for women – both those working in the industry and those wanting to access expert help.

Stereotypes are often dangerous generalisations, but when I needed an investigator I found the pre-conceived impressions rang true.

Typically from a law enforcement background, private investigators in the UK are unregulated and it is hard to find an empathetic and caring provider who can be trusted and has a genuine compassion for the often traumatic situation in which the clients finds themselves.

So, earlier this year I started my own private investigation business, Mulberry Investigations. With my background in insurance fraud investigation and some good industry contacts, I set about building an investigation company focused on the needs of clients which looked to open up services to a new customer base.

80% of my clients are women worried about their partner

80% of instructions come from women, the majority of whom are apprehensive about approaching an investigator, often feeling they are entering a seedy and murky world where topics such as customer care, price transparency and post service support are not high on the agenda.

Nearly all customers have built a picture in their mind supporting the assumption of infidelity – the only certainty is uncertainty in what we find.

When we feel a period of observation (surveillance) is justified we discover a multitude of issues. Yes, women’s partners may be demonstrating deceptive behaviour, but often this is not associated with an affair or other relationship.

Debt, ill health, gambling, drug and alcohol addiction and increasingly activity linked to sexuality, gender and transvestism issues are frequently observed, rather than secret, romantic candle lit dinners. Life is complex and rarely follows the presumed pattern.

Our aftercare support is important to me

When choosing a private investigator, I believe that it’s important to find one who offers aftercare. What is uncovered can be a devastating, life-changing shock, and you need someone who will break the news sympathetically and help you come to terms with what you learn.

Our aftercare process supports and helps clients interpret and absorb often life changing information. We are there every step of the way, making sure we form an important part of the support network needed to move forward, in time, with full knowledge and insight – to take back control.

I also help parents and businesses

Investigation is not all about surveillance. We can gain so much information from open source social media research, all of which is legal and GDPR compliant. So actually following someone is no longer required.

And it’s not just cheating partners we’re asked to investigate. We regularly help clients who have real anxiety with the behaviour and performance of nannies and other carers who are looking after children or other loved ones. Again this is a really stressful time for customers who want to know, often urgently, how their children are being treated.

We also look after the brand reputation of businesses – identifying negative and potentially damaging content on forums or feedback groups as well as monitoring for high risk content originating from employees which can be traced and associated back to the clients brand.

It’s a diverse and challenging business, but one where, with real client compassion, you can make a huge difference in someone life at the time they need an experienced friend the most. That’s how I see my business, someone to trust, someone to be on your side from start to finish.

You can find out more about Mulberry Investigations on their website. 

Photo by Wes Powers