Why are after school activities so important for children?

Find out why joining an after school activity is so important for your child – and the wealth of benefits they can look forward to.

From chess to Capoeira, our children are often spoiled for choice when it comes to picking after school activities. And while each activity will teach your child different skills, there are some common benefits you can look forward to, whichever one you pick.

Olivia Bland from Dancewear Central explains how joining after school activities can have a positive impact on children’s health, education and social skills.

A healthy way for children to relax and let off steam

Nowadays, it’s pretty common for children to let off steam by watching TV or playing online games. And while get lost in technology for a while isn’t bad, it’s important that your child isn’t stuck on the sofa 24/7.

Spending some time outside and joining a club can make a huge difference to the physical and mental wellbeing of children. For example, enlisting them in group dance classes for kids or a local sports team is a great way to boost their energy levels and release endorphins, without them even realizing it. Further, it’ll encourage them to socialize with other children in a fun and safe environment.

Many children feel more relaxed after engaging in an after school activity than if they were to go straight home from school – they get a chance to play, make friends, and learn something new.

Afternoon activities also help to tire your child out, which makes it more likely they’ll get a good night’s sleep. Which in turn will make them more alert at school.

Helps them to develop good teamwork skills

Teamwork skills are an important life skills, improving our confidence and employability, and making it easier to make and keep good friends.

And getting your child involved in a team after school will help them learn how to work with others from an early age, and teach them important social skills.

It will also help them in school; during the class, pupils are often asked to participate in group work to help them to develop their team building skills. If your child is used to removing the focus of the individual and working towards a common goal with teammates, they’ll have a head start on some of their classmates.

There are plenty of team-building after school activities to choose from, including sports like netball, football, and hockey, which help to keep them moving as they learn to interact with others.

If sport isn’t their thing, why not look into local dance schools? Dance is a fun way to get active. And dancing as part of a class and in performances not only develops your child’s teamwork skills, but it can do wonders for their confidence too.

They will learn a new skill

After school activities are also a great opportunity to pick up a new skill. From chess to cricket, ping-pong to piano, and singing to scuba diving, your child can develop their skills in a safe, fun environment.

Sometimes it’s hard to pick which after school activity to participate in. If you’re spoilt for choice or stuck on which club to join, Brownies and Cubs are great options. Your child can learn new skills, spend time outdoors, work their way up to positions of leadership, and are rewarded for different activities with patches!

They will develop socially

Joining after school activities will give your child the chance to make new friends and socialise with other children outside their school.

They’ll learn how to act in different situations, play more fairly, and focus on working as a team rather than for themselves. This will help them to build up confidence, and grow into a more positive and self-assured adult.

They will get more exercise

Exercise is vital for good mental and physical health. And if your child is part of an outdoor after school club, they will be getting the exercise they need to keep them healthy, reduce their stress levels, and tackle issues like obesity.

It doesn’t matter whether your child is a budding ballerina or a football fan, every minute of exercise counts.

You can find out more about Dancewear Central on their website