What you need to know about digital marketing in 2021

Are you thinking about investing in digital marketing? Here are some of the most important tips to consider for 2021.

Don’t well, digital marketing can help you to grow your brand and bring in sales. But done poorly it can be an expensive and frustrating drain on your money. Here are six things you need to know that can help you in 2021.

1) Increased use of social media to engage and retain

In 2021, you might want to consider dedicating more of your marketing resources to social media strategies. In the second quarter of 2020, social media marketing budgets made up at least 24% of the total marketing budgets in the US. It was a noted increase from 13% reported in 2019. In the year 2020, marketers prioritized lead generation and customer retention and the same trends should continue in 2021. 

As a rule, people spent more of their time online in 2020 and it involved researching products, organizations and brands. With the consumer shift, there was a notable increase in opportunities for marketers to rely on inbound digital marketing to re-engage old customers and reach new ones.

To maximise the impact of your social media marketing, come up with a good content plan, make regular posts as well as updates, monitor and improve customer responses and reviews and also attract new business effortlessly. 

2) The rise of micro-influencers

Influencers have built a huge social following by offering quality and engaging content on different platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. They are relatable and often trustworthy, according to their followers. As a result, their opinions can influence the behavior of their target audience, And that’s exactly what most brands are looking for.

Brands use influencers to connect with customers, promote content, build brand awareness and market products. In 2021, brands are moving more to using micro-influencers, as they usually have a more targeted, niche following and more loyal fans. They also get more value for their money.

Influencer marketing can be a low-cost strategy with a higher ROI, especially when you work with well-chosen micro-influencers. 

3) Interactive marketing content 

By providing interactive elements to your social media platforms and website, you can retain more visitors, increase brand engagement, offer value and learn more about your customers.

For example, if realtors add a mortgage calculator to their website, they offer more value to their site visitors and increase engagement. They can also learn about their visitors based on the data they are inputting in the calculators. Content marketing services will help to make the most of your digital marketing and come up with clever ideas that are perfect for your brand and audience.

4) Video content

Statistics reveal that video content is becoming increasingly popular – up to as much as 82% of all traffic on the internet. At least 54% of consumers prefer video content offered by brands over other types of content.

So how can you embrace this trend? You don’t need huge budgets to invest in professionally produced video content. Just think about the messages that will interest or help your ideal customer and find the types of video content formats that fit your niche, brand and industry. Your video should properly portray your brand, be memorable and impactful.

5) Increased use of google listings and local SEO 

If you want to increase walk-in customers and your online presence, you need to verify your local listings on the various platforms available. If you rely on local customers, online listings are particularly useful, because you can provide accurate information such as your geographical location, service hours and types of services offered. 

You’re also more likely to show up in local searches if you’ve made use of free marketing opportunities such as creating and completing your Google My Business listing.

6) Mobile inbound marketing 

Few brands can effectively market today while ignoring the mobile audience. More than ever we rely on our mobile devices to access online content and find information, and many customers may only ever use their mobile to search for the products or services you offer.

With mobile marketing, you can usually enjoy instantaneous results so investigate the opportunities for digital marketing for mobile devices to maximise the opportunities.