Five ways you can treat chronic pain

Do you suffer from chronic pain? In this article we explore five different ways it can be treated.

Chronic pain is a dull, aching, burning, or shooting pain that lasts more than three months. It may also accompany other symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and depression.

Chronic pain differs from acute pain, which occurs suddenly with an injury or illness. Acute pain is brief and does not last long. Chronic pain can be caused by injury and illness but can also result from disorders of the nervous system such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.

What is the best treatment for chronic pain?

There are several ways of managing chronic pain, including pain relief devices. Let’s look at five efficient ways of treating it.

1) Radiofrequency

Radiofrequency (RF) therapy is a form of low-level heat pain therapy that uses electrical currents to block pain signals from the body. The therapy uses a handheld wand or ultrasound device to deliver an electrical current to the skin.

The FDA has approved RF for use in peripheral neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia, and it’s also used for various pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, and other chronic pain syndromes.

2) Physical therapy

Physical therapy is a common treatment for chronic pain. It involves using physical activities and exercises to bring your body back into balance and improve function. Physical therapy can help reduce pain, improve range of motion, increase strength, and decrease inflammation in your body.

3) Deep-brain stimulation (DBS)

Deep-brain stimulation (DBS) is a procedure that involves implanting electrodes in the brain. The electrodes are connected to a battery-powered device, which delivers electrical pulses to the brain.

DBS aims to treat certain types of chronic pain by targeting specific nerve pathways. DBS has been used successfully for over two decades to treat patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease, essential tremors, psychiatric disorders, and Tourette syndrome.

4) Biofeedback therapy

Biofeedback is a therapy that uses feedback from the patient’s body to help reduce chronic pain symptoms. The goal is to help you learn how to control your pain by recognizing, controlling, and modifying your responses to pain.

Practitioners use specialized tools such as an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine or infrared thermography (ITC) cameras to measure brain waves, muscle tension, eye movement, and other characteristics of the patient’s responses to painful stimuli. The goal is for the patient to learn how to change these responses so that they no longer cause pain signals in their body.

5) Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to relieve pain caused by chronic conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. A laser emits light that stimulates the body’s healing processes, including producing natural painkillers called endorphins. The laser is applied directly to the affected area without having to inject medication into the skin.

The good thing about treatment is that it does not require surgical procedures or invasive treatments, making it ideal for patients concerned about possible side effects from other treatments.

Treatment can help lessen the pain

Although chronic pain is an unavoidable part of the aging process, you can still manage it to help lessen its impact on your life. When you have a goal in mind, make sure you evaluate your progress from time to time so that you can set new goals and stay motivated to work toward them.

For more information on chronic pain, visit your medical professional or ask questions in forums.