What are conflict resolution skills and how can you train in them online?

Before the internet there were no such things as e-learning programs. But today you can quite comfortably take online courses at the comfort of your home or workplace.

Many courses today offer virtual learning opportunities. And a good example of this is Conflict Resolution Training online courses. Find out why conflict resolution skills are so valuable (at home and in the workplace) and how you can study for them online.

Why take an online course like conflict resolution?

Online courses have many advantages over classroom-based learning. Here are some of the biggest:

  • Online courses offer a vast variety of programs and courses.
  • They are usually not as expensive as traditional learning institutions.
  • You get the advantage of learning in a comfortable environment of your choice.
  • You get a chance to improve your career by studying and working at the same time.
  • The Internet offers easy access to almost everything. You can download notes, interact online with other e-learners, and you can also replay training videos.
  • Learning online will help you improve on self-discipline and responsibilities such as time management.

What is conflict resolution?

Simply defined, conflict resolution is the process or method used by two or more parties to enable them to find a way to solve their disputes peacefully. The methods used can either be formal or informal. The wrangles or disagreements can be political, financial, or even personal.

Having conflict resolution skills can come in handy in quite a number of instances, not just in business organisations and educational institutions, but also in handling family matters.

A conflict resolution course will teach you skills that include helping people solve problems, increasing understanding, reducing tension, and building stronger relationships – all valuable professional and personal skills.

There are many roles that require conflict resolution skills in a wide range of sectors. These include (but aren’t limited to) researcher, analyst, legal officer, arbitrator, victim mediator, human rights officer, and even a program manager.

How can you resolve conflicts?

Here are a few guidelines on how to best resolve conflicts:

  1. Firstly, you need to understand the conflict and know what their interests are.
  2. Then, communicate with the opposing side – listening and giving them an opportunity to talk and air out their grievances.
  3. List down all possible ways the disagreement can be solved.
  4. Select the best solution from your list.
  5. Make sure you include a third party mediator.
  6. Explore other alternatives if the ones you came up with don’t seem to work.
  7. Understand that to resolve the conflict, both parties have to be comfortable with the solution provided.

What’s included in an online conflict resolution course?

Online conflict resolution courses include a range of Diploma and Certificate programs. Here are a few options:

  • Diploma in Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
  • Certificate in Dealing with Difficult People
  • Certificate in Leadership Skills for Supervisors
  • Certificate in Conflict Management and Resolution for Supervisors
  • Certificate in Advanced Conflict Management Online Course

If these sound like skills you’d like to acquire personally or professionally, check out online conflict resolution training courses.

Photo by Brooke Lark