We’re having a baby! How to let the world know your happy news in the holiday season
Whether your pregnancy test came back positive in the holiday season, or your baby’s due date is round that time, combining your exciting news in your holiday card makes a lot of sense.
Firstly, you’re already sending out cards to your friends and family, so wishing them season’s greetings along with your “baby is coming” or “baby is here” announcement is a great idea.
Secondly, having a baby is expensive. So if you can save on double postage and cards and combine all the joy into one announcement, your wallet will thank you.
Here are some ideas for how to create a birth announcement card during the holiday season.
When your baby is on the way
If you’ll still be pregnant when you send out your cards, see if you can find a holiday-themed baby onesie that you can include in the photo you use in your card. For example, you can hug your partner while one of your children holds up a “Santa’s Little Helper” onesie toward the camera.
For the card itself, make sure it’s big enough to hold both the photo and the text you want to include. For instance, the Laurel Ring card on Minted.com includes the word “joy,” which fits perfectly with the wonderful news. Plus, there is plenty of room to include both your “We’re Expecting in the Spring of 2020” and “Happy Holidays” messages.
If you get a lot of snow in your area during the holiday season, you and your partner could make a daddy, mommy and baby snowman and all wear Santa hats and scarves.
Then, buy one of those cute chalkboards on a rope and use red and green chalk to write something to the effect of “Coming Soon,” with the due date, and then hang the chalkboard around the baby snowman’s neck.
If your baby is already here
If your baby is born close to the holiday season, you’ll probably want to make them the focus of the photo used in your card.
Looking for some helpful tips on how to photograph a newborn at home? Then consider snapping some photos of your sleeping infant on their tummy with their head on his hands – a cute pose that shows off your baby’s beautiful face.
Or you can dress your infant in holiday colors and, if they go for it, place a soft Santa hat on their head. You could even take a full family photo with everyone smiling happily while holding your new addition.
As far as the wording on the card, you could say something like “Look at what Santa Claus brought us!” or “Happy holidays from the newest member of our family.” Or, since babies tend to be on the noisy side, you could write a clever caption like “We have said goodbye to silent nights and hello to (your baby’s name).”
This moment also presents a perfect opportunity to share your choice of a unique name that holds special meaning. If you’re still searching for that perfect, distinctive name, consider exploring motherhoodcommunity.com, which can offer both traditional and modern inspirations perfectly suited for the holiday season.
Congratulations on your wonderful news
The holidays can be such a joyous time of year that it makes sense to combine your season’s greetings with your happy baby news. W
hether your baby will be here next spring or arrive shortly after you finish your Thanksgiving meal, there are plenty of creative and colorful ways to share your announcement with everyone on your holiday card list.
Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik