Watch our video interview with nutritionist Kimberley Neve

Did you know that Himalayan salt is no healthier than any other salt? Or that it’s okay to have a MacDonald’s if you fancy it?

Watch our video interview with nutritionist Kimberley Neve from Neve Nutrition to find out why many of the things we believe about food are myths – and why it’s more important that you eat food you love than count calories for most of us.

Kimberley shares her own story of how her own eating disorder inspired her to learn more about food, and led to a career change from head of department at a school to nutritionist working in public policy, and more recently with her own private practice.

In our interview, Kimberley explains why detoxes and diets don’t work, and why we need an 80:20 balance for a healthy diet that we can stick to, why we should never hide vegetables from our children, and how our mothers influenced the way we view food.

If you’d love to hear some myths busted around healthy eating, and discover a more refreshing, realistic approach to diets, then you’ll enjoy this interview with Kimberley.

In the view Kimberley mentions a few resources you can go to for wise advice about good nutrition. Here they are: