Three strategies for creating engaging content

Are you struggling to create some engagement on your online platforms, such as on your blog or social media pages?

If yes, there’s a good chance the content you have there isn’t engaging. That’s why you’re here: to learn how to create engaging content.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Why is it important to create vibrant engagement with your customers or audience? There are a handful of reasons, including expanding your reach, building trust and loyalty, and even spreading inspiration.

Unfortunately, creating engaging content is not that simple. If it were, every brand would have a vibrant digital community around it.

To help you, we’re sharing three tips that will help you create content that engages. We hope you find it helpful!

1) Know your audience

This is the golden rule to live by when you want to create engaging content: have a good understanding of your audience.

Who is your audience? This might sound like a simple question but you would be surprised to learn that most business owners who’re struggling to create engaging content don’t have an accurate picture of who their audience is. Most have a general picture.

Look at this way: if you run a neighborhood coffee shop, you might think that everyone in the neighborhood is your customer. Wrong! There are specific people in this audience who are your target market, you just don’t know it yet.

Since different audiences have different content consumption preferences, when you know who your audience is, you’ll be in a better position to serve them exactly what you need.

So, if you’re targeting boomers, you’ll create content that’s relevant to boomers. If you’re targeting Gen Zers, you’ll craft content that’s relevant to these young people.

2) Think about your content format

Blog posts, long-form articles, ebooks, photos, and videos are all different ways you can deliver your content. When your goal is to fire up engagement, the format of the content matters.

Again, you’ve to look at your audience when you want to know the most suitable content format to use.

Gen Zers, for instance, are big video content consumers, unlike Gen Xers who prefer reading – although video is catching up with them as well.

So, if Gen Zers are your primary audience, you need to serve them up with video content. This is what they like. If you focus on blog posts, don’t be surprised when you don’t see any form of engagement.

3) Choose your platforms carefully

There are several digital content platforms you can use to distribute your blog. You can use your business website, blog, social media networks, video distribution platforms, and more.

The platform you use will have a direct impact on the level of engagement you can create. If it’s a platform that most of your customers use, you’ll certainly see higher engagement.

The kind of content you create also determines the platform it goes on. For example, if your product is software for making pay stubs, you might want to create how-to videos.

This naturally means you’ll share the videos on your social media pages, as well as on YouTube. Video content on your blog isn’t going to work well.

You CAN create engaging content

You don’t have to be an expert content creator to create engaging content. That helps, no doubt, but as long as you know what your audience wants, you have a pretty good chance. Follow our tips, too.