This is what women over 40 years old look like

Something strange happens to women after we leave our 20s – as far as stock photos are concerned, we seem to all-but disappear.

So we decided to launch a mini-campaign to find these ‘lost’ women. To capture real photos of real women over the age of 40, living real lives.

Here’s why we were inspired to do this – AND what those invisible women over 40 years old really look like.

The mystery of the disappearing ‘older’ women

We publish at least one article a day on our site. And as our articles are all about or aimed at women, we need to source a LOT of images.

Thankfully today there are plenty of free stock image sources, like Unsplash and Pexels. They share high quality images contributed by photographers and creators for free use. However, as we gradually use up all the decent shots of older women on even the best photography sites, we’re finding it increasingly difficult to find images. 

And by ‘older’ we mean 21 and over. 

For example, when we recently published an article about the menopause, we couldn’t find one photo under that search term. ‘Middle age’ gave us either men, old women, or castles. When we tried ‘middle age women’ as a search term we got one or two much older looking women, and many more girls, like this image:

Very beautiful, yes. But middle aged? Definitely not.

Sadly, on free stock image sites women over the age of 40 are barely represented. If you want a laugh, try searching ‘woman 40s’. Most of the girls that appear in the search results could be the daughters of women in their 40s. 

It gets even worse if you want a photo of a manager, boss or business owner who just happens to be female. And if you’re looking for images of BAME women or disabled women then you’ll have an even tougher search.

Here’s what happens when you search for photos of the menopause

And if you think finding a photo of a woman in her 40s is hard, here’s what you get if you search for photos of ‘menopause’ on Unsplash:

We’re not really sure what a beach and a close up of a man’s face has to do with the menopause! Where are all the women?

Where are the photos of real women over 40?

So where are all the photos of women over 40? Real women, living real lives? It seems that we’re only photo worthy if we’re bikini-perfect 20 year-olds and younger, or haggard old women. 

It’s not as if we don’t exist. I see plenty of us on the streets, in supermarkets, in bars, pubs, restaurants, galleries and shops. But when it comes to being represented in media images and ads for products like hair serum for hair growth, we’re virtually invisible.

Although it appears that photos of women over 40 years old is not what the media wants, there is a great deal to celebrate about reaching the milestone – getting older is a privilege many don’t enjoy.

Women over 40 are disappearing from television

It’s not just photos of women over 40 that are hard to find – we are also disappearing from television too. According to a new report by Dr Martha Lauzen, executive director of the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University, at around the age of 40, a large number of female characters begin to disappear from TV.

And not just on screen; women are also significantly underrepresented behind the scenes, especially in director roles.

The report tracked over 3,000 characters and more than 3,800 behind-the-scenes credits for comedies, dramas and reality programs. It discovered that the percentage of female characters fell dramatically as women entered their 40s. And by the time we reach our 60s, we women apparently account for just 3% of major characters.

While roles for older men also reduce in number, the decline is not as dramatic as it is for women, and there is a much smaller reduction in representation as men age reach their 40s.

Why is it so important that women over 40 are invisible?

Increasingly we spend a significant amount of our time online. And the images and messages we consume online are a powerful influence on the way we view the world.

For some people, this online world is more ‘real’ than their offline reality.

And the online world we inhabit is hungry for images – images used by news sites, websites, ads, social media and blogs, like ours.

Many of these photographs are sourced from free stock image sites. Indeed, Unsplash alone apparently has “over 110,000 contributing photographers and generates more than 9 billion photo impressions per month on their growing library of over 810,000 photos.”

While it’s wonderful that resources like Unsplash exist, the lack of representation of older women and minorities is worrying. Because it’s the equivalent of airbrushing us from the online world.

It forces sites like ours to use images of younger (and often white) women when we’d far rather show valid, vibrant, empowered women of all races over the age of 30. Or even 40 or 50.

So what can be done?

So what can we do to redress the balance? The problem isn’t the fault of any individual party. Sites like Unsplash can only make available images that have been uploaded. And photographers are free to choose and shoot their own preferred subjects.

For us, a start is acknowledging the lack of representation. Perhaps with more awareness, photographers can choose to shoot more images of older women (and more BAME and disabled people too).

And stock image resource sites could actively request more of these images, to ensure a broad representation is widely available. Maybe more careful tagging and labelling of images would help too, so you didn’t have to wade through hundreds of barely post-pubescent girls to find one or two pictures of women over 40.

And finally, we wanted to do one small bit ourselves right now. So we decided to round up some of these lost women – to show just how real we are – by putting a call out on social media for photos. And here they are.

This is what real women over 40 look like – women doing a wide range of jobs, from essay writers at sites like, that enable students globally through sophisticated technology, creating ease of education, and joy for writing, to doctors and artists.

Hannah Martin, 48

To start, this is me. I’m the founder of Talented Ladies Club, an award-winning copywriter and a mother of two.

Catherine Gladwyn, 42

I’m the author of the award-winning, Amazon bestselling book How to be a Virtual Assistant.

Jagdeep Virdi, 59

I’m Jagdeep Virdi and I’m 60 in November.

Anne Wilkinson, 64

I’m a coach, and this is me at 64. What price can you put on the wisdom that (hopefully!) comes with the ageing process? Women of my age used to be called crones and in communities we were revered for our wisdom. 

Christina Saccoh, 46

I’m a disabled single mother of two, Further Education lecturer and business owner (PT and fitness). My Instagram is @iamcoachkrissi.

Louise Tondeur, 47

I’m a writer and a tutor. Here I am doing one of my favourite things (reading Agatha Christie on my own!) just before a hectic 47th birthday weekend in September. I have three hidden disabilities. Photo by my wife Sarah. Not a professional picture but it definitely sums me up! 

Catherine Lane, 52

I’m 52 now and run Inspired Health Supplements. I’m probably in better shape that I was in my 30s. It just takes a bit longer for my face to wake up in the mornings than the rest of me!

Angela Montague, 49

 I am 49 and I own my own marketing company, Push Creativity.

Michelle Chandler, 44

I’m 44 and a freelance marketing consultant at Rocket Marketing Solutions.

Emilie Thysse, 40

I own Yellow Door Talent Development and I specialise in leadership and sales training across the service sector. We’ve been going for four years and have been lucky enough to gain some amazing and loyal clients during that time. 

I employ my best friend, Ruth, who is bloody amazing and my right-hand woman, and I also have a super team of associates including a friend, Roxanne, who I was at school with from age eight!

Next year Roxanne and I are starting to do some pro-bono work in secondary schools doing a programme by Brene Brown which helps build the courage and resilience of young people. Feels like a really nice meaningful thing to do when the rest of my work is very commercial. 

Josie Cornhill, 40

Josie Cornhill, I’m 40 and I’m a portfolio careerist. My portfolio includes blogging at Business for Mums.

Rebecca Levene, 42

My name is Rebecca Levene, I am 42 and I am a career change confidence coach for mums.

Debbie Leask, 42

I’m Debbie from The Dimpse. I design bespoke wedding stationery and paper goods.

Mimi Bogelund, 62

I’m a Certified KonMari Consultant and Professional Organiser. That’s what I do. I started it aged 60 after a complete change of career.

I’m also mum to two daughters, mormor to two grandkids and to five bonus grandkids (from my other half), Danish, married but not on paper.

Karen Whittaker, 41

Karen Whittaker, at a party aged 41. 

Ruth Watt, 53

I’m a 53 year old music-obsessed papercut artist living in Edinburgh. My business is Ellie and the Rubester Papercuts and I am lucky to be constantly surrounded by wonderful women over 40.

Carolyn Strand, 51

I am a digital marketing and e-commerce specialist based in West Sussex.  I help small and niche businesses improve their profitability and visibility online by utilising appropriate social media, email funnels, sales channels, website platforms, optimisations and management systems.

(Carolyn’s photo was taken by Brighton-based photographer Susan Grace Hinman.)

Claire Winter, 43

I’m the owner of Making Words Come Alive, and I help businesses with writing training and content creation.

We need more diverse images of women in the media, in stock photo libraries, in fact everywhere. I am the mum of three daughters and I want them to aspire to be themselves and not feel the need to airbrush or filter themselves.

Marie Brown, 48

I’m 48 and I run Beyond the Kitchen Table, helping small business owners of any age build high converting websites.

Sophie Morris, 45

I am a personal coach at Quietosophy and I help quiet professionals become free from stress and overwhelm and learn to use their voice on their own terms through expert, one-to-one coaching and courses.

Nicki Williams, 52

I’m a qualified nutritionist, author, speaker and founder of Happy Hormones for Life, helping women over 40 to feel better than they did in their 30s.

This is on a good day with a bit of make up and nice lighting! But I’m happier now than I’ve ever been, and proud of every wrinkle.

Nicolle Anderson, 43

I’m the owner of Business Clan with Delia Porter. I am 43 and Delia is 50. Business Clan is a one stop shop for business consultancy and professional services. We help businesses grow by providing knowledge, expertise and implementation services all under one roof.

Our business success is built on investing in, developing and retaining our flexible-working team of “women-returners”. Together we deliver all the essential services larger organisations take for granted and small businesses struggle to find.

We were recognised as the 2018 UK Employer of the Year by the Federation of Small Businesses (which is where the photo of Delia and I was taken) for our “strong ethos of playing to everyone’s strengths and collective expertise.

I also want to share our selfie from this year’s International Women’s Day as the majority of our team are over 40 and we are looking very “real” in it!

Kelly Kemp, 42

I’m 42, and a creative virtual assistant, freeing up time for female coaches and entrepreneurs to be able to focus on growing their business.

Stephanie Boswell, 45

I am 45 and am a Senior Manager in an Orthopaedic Device company, which is a very male dominated environment. Thankfully I have never felt ‘invisible’ or in any way inferior to a man, but perhaps that is  because I was very independent from an early age.

When I say I don’t ‘feel’ 45, I’m not really sure what 45 is meant to feel like, all that I know if that I feel better than I felt in my 30’s!

I have competed in the fitness industry, have modelled on fitness shoots, and am also a qualified life coach, so I do believe in learning new skills and knowledge to develop yourself as you mature.

I have two boys aged 9 and 11, and have been married for 15 years. Life at 45 is good! You can find me on Instagram.

Jodie Humphries, 41

I’m Jodie, I’m 41 and I’m an award-winning business woman. When you say those words you probably imagine a lady in a suit or a lady wearing a tightly fitted body con dress and heels (like in the boardroom of the Apprentice!), but women in business come in all shapes and styles.

This is me ‘in my office’ so to speak – photographing at a vintage steam fair who are my main client that I lead the marketing strategy and creation for. We just won an award for ‘the best marketing campaign’ at the Maidenhead and Windsor business awards.

I want my daughter to grow up knowing that success doesn’t follow one set path, or style, and life doesn’t have to be sat at a desk in an office – we make our own rules and successes. 

Dee Stringer, 50

I just turned 50, and found my 40s to be the best time of my life and where I finally felt good in my own skin and more confident than I ever did in my 20’s. So much so that I was inspired to set up my own business making cosy accessories for dogs five years ago with my company Slumbering Hound.

I don’t think I would have had the courage to go out there alone when I was younger, even though I freelanced in the film industry, as so much confidence has come to me with age.

Lottie Clements, 49

I spent many years working as a draughtsperson in a very male-dominated industry here I did feel a little invisible. Then at 45 I took a career change and set up my own handmade business, the Cosy Canine Company. 

I design and make gorgeous and practical accessories for dog owners. Having the confidence to do that and put myself out there is definitely not something I could have done in my 20’s or even my 30’s. For the second year running I am a finalist in the Animal Star Awards for Best Per Related Business.  I turn 50 next year and I can’t wait to see what excitement that brings. 

This is me at the Flourish Fusion. A conference for handmade sellers held in New York earlier this year. 

Isabel Lydall, 40

At 40, I’ve just left corporate life to launch Curiosity & Clarity – a market research and training company aimed at SMEs and entrepreneurs.  

I work with business owners to get them the answers they need about their target customers – and how to grow as a result. I get to be curious for a living, which is lots of fun!   

Carol Robinson, 40

I am 40 years old and I’m Founder and Jewellery Designer of One of a Kind Club

One of a Kind Club is a contemporary jewellery brand aimed to inspire confidence and celebrate individuality through fun statement pieces that make an impact.

Each item is designed and handcrafted by me. After a long career in advertising I have finally turned my love of jewellery into a living. For years I fitted in jewellery making courses around my full time career, using my skills to transform my work outfits, making them funky and distinctive.

My bold and bright collections are inspired by all the amazing women I encounter. 

Victoria O’Conghalaigh, 44

I’m 44, a university lecturer and happy!

Hannah Ayre, 44

I’m an artist, educator and producer, aged 44. I work freelance for a huge range of clients including museums, galleries and festivals.

I chose this photo as it represents me and my work. Also because I’m giggling (rather than the pouty nonsense often seen online).

Janine Coombes, 43

I help small businesses get clear on their high-level brand message and niche so that the rest of their marketing works better.

Susie Valerio, 48

I’m Susie and I am 48 years-old. I am a bilingual voice actor and language producer based in the UK, and constantly have fingers in many very interesting pies!

My day to day work includes voicing super cool adverts, cartoons and games in English and Portuguese, and being the Brazilian voice in places like The Houses of Parliament and Strawberry Field, for example.

To top it up, I also work a lot with Football, and have been the interpreter for Brazilian National Team in the UK in multiple occasions.

Michelle Richards, 47

As a photographer this has inspired me to think about shooting stock images of older women! Here’s my photo – I’m 47 and a freelance photographer.

Becky Kilsby, 62

I’m an Exeter-based Career Change Coach helping dissatisfied professionals around the world to create truly fulfilling working lives.

By gaining clarity on values, purpose, strengths, passions, and the kind of life they want to create, career changers are able to identify their personal measures of success and use these to confidently choose and achieve their new direction. 

Rachael McGillion-Fee, 43

I turned 43 at the beginning of October and am going into my third year of self-employment. I am a social media manager that works with SMEs, charities and social enterprises.

ISEL Social is a social enterprise that has an impact on small charities, helping with their social media strategy, management and training as well as workshops for them and/or their service users.

Lucy Brandram, 43

I’m 43 and run my own social media management business – I work with all kinds of businesses helping them find their voice online. On Twitter and Instagram I’m @76_social.

Silvia Del Corso, 40

I’m Silvia Del Corso, SEO Specialist and I run PinkSEO.Marketing from West London. I’m 40 years old and I’m the mother of 2 children aged 8 and 12.

Rohan Revell, 40

I feel very young as a nurse of 43, and mum of a five-year old (although some days feel less young!). I’m in the middle in this photo, between my two under 40’s friends.

Nicola Semple, 41

I’m Nicola Semple, an author, speaker, mindset coach and host of The Good Life Well Lived podcast, helping women in their 40s who are juggling work and family, to slow down, identify their priorities and have more fun.

Esther Wane, 46

I am Esther Wane.  I am 46, nearly 47, and I’m a storyteller and creative coach.  I left my investment banking career just over nine years ago to follow my childhood dreams of being an actor and a writer.  

I am now an award winning audiobook narrator of over 100 titles, where I get to play ALL the characters and have a lot of fun. I have published my first novel “The Way Home” and have a new book in the pipeline: “Be Your Own Hero: A Mindful Guide to Thriving in a Creative Life”.

This also forms the basis for my creative coaching and my upcoming TEDx talk at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in November.  For me life really did begin at 40!

Jackie Colchester, 40

Jackie, 40, runs Les Petits Tigres, fun French classes for children.

Emma Foster, 50

I’m a freelance PR consultant and copywriter. I help businesses and brands find their voice and get their stories out in the media and beyond so they can make genuine connections. 

I also run Salt & Chilli PR with another fabulous over 50-something woman. We teach people how to do their own PR through workshops and one-to-one training and mentoring sessions. 

My real passion also is helping women over 40 get more seen and heard in the media – telling their stories and sharing their wisdom so that we’re no longer invisible.  I’d love to help more women achieve this so follow me on Twitter where I share opportunities when I spot them! 

Bonamy Waddell, 44

I’m Bonamy, I’m 44 – and I help organisations use research and data to make smarter decisions. I’m a mum of two girls – and an all-round advocate of the power of women working together and supporting each other to do great things!

Sarah Duguid, 44

I’m Sarah Duguid, I’m 44 and I run Duguid Communications. I offer PR, Marketing and Social strategy and support to small and medium sized businesses.  

Rachel Vogeleisen, 55

I’m Rachel Vogeleisen a photographer specialising in Women Portraiture, helping Women get their mojo back in front of the camera.

I also worked on a personal project about Women Over 50 who Reinvented Themselves. You can read about it here.

Suzanne Taylor, 50

I’m a freelance graphic designer based in East London. I specialise in brand identity and marketing design for small and medium sized businesses. 

I’ve turned 50 only recently and I see it as a gift in time to care (even) less about the silly stuff and to concentrate (even more) on the true stuff. 

Elisabeth Hancock, 50

I’m just turning 50 and I’m a business consultant and coach helping entrepreneurs to grow a more successful business through mindset, energy and strategy. Which I call Popping Bubbles! I have a new book coming out in 2020 and a podcast entitled ‘Energetic Business’ which aims to bring strategy, mind, energy and soul together.  

For me, life really did start at 40! I met my husband and we were married nine months later (a few months before my 40th birthday), I had my first child just before my 41st birthday, and my second just before my 43rd birthday.

Having children inspired me to finally realise my long held dreams of having a successful, meaningful and sustainable business and also to write a book. Things that I would never have had the confidence to do in my 30’s. 

Myra, 40

My name is Myra. I’m 40. I’m a wood burner, writer, musician, artist, wife and mom.

Aoife Power

I will be 47-years-old next month. As the Founder of Aoifelution Health, I help others over 40 find health in all aspects of their lives. Growing old does not have to mean mental and physical decline. With the 3M’s, Mindset, Meals, and Movement, we can age backward! 

Arlen Jiacoletti, 41

My name is Arlen Jiacoletti. I’m 41 years old. I am a mom, an Interior Designer and CEO of a small company I just started call Concept Interiors. I am also an ambassador of health and fitness. I try to stay active and I am helping my family and friends do the same.

I believe that in order to look and feel good we need to start from within. Having fun is also very important, getting out of the routine and being spontaneous helps me when I am stressed.

Kelechi Obetta, 39

My name is Kelechi Obetta. I’m Nigerian, living in Nigeria, a Legal Practitioner, a wife and a mother of four children aged 15, 13,10 and 7.  I’ll be 40 in July, 202.

Sharon Gabriele, 42

I’m Sharon Gabriele and I’m 42. I’m a mom of 3 kids age 9, 11, 13. I’m an RN and work mostly as a substitute school nurse in my kid’s school district. My passion in life is hot yoga though. Last year in March, right before the pandemic took over, I graduated from yoga teacher training and was so ready to live my dream as a hot yoga instructor. My dream will have to be placed on hold right now. Just going through life day by day. To be continued…

Kelli Bluth

I am an aunt who loves spoiling my nieces and nephews. I am a Senior Manager of Procurement for a medical device manufacturing company in the Twin Cities and live in Minnetonka, MN. I really enjoy leading teams and helping my teammates develop and grow into whatever they want to be. 

I love being active and have recently embarked on the #52 Hike Challenge, which is one hike per week for 52 weeks. I am four weeks and four hikes in. My picture was taken at a cabin by Lake Superior which is in northern Minnesota and is one of my favorite places to hike.  

Rebecca Sola, 42

I’ll be 43 in September I’m a stay at home mommy of five kids.

Michelle Wickline, 42

My name is Michelle Wickline. I am a mother of seven. I have my own business, Tiger Lily Designs (clean beauty and skincare), and have managed all education for my children over the last decade as a homeschool mom.

Kelly Rushing, 40

My name is Kelly Rushing from southwest Missouri. I work from home full time running my own business and am a full time mom to 3 boys. Ages three, eight, and 21. I love weekends away with family, spending time at the lake, walking trails, working out, antiques and trying all kinds of different foods from all over the world. I’m 40!! Time sure does fly!! Trying to make the most out of all our crazy moments.

Serena Coonrod, 40

I have five kids (two are grown and three are still pretty young: four, six and eight). I’m a detailist and realism artist and a stay-at-home mom and wife.

Elsa Morgan

My name is Elsa Morgan. I’m 47 years years of age and run an online health and wellness business as well as coach women over 40 how to embrace their past and turn it into their superpower. I give them strategies to build an online business whilst navigating family, friendships and personal pursuits. 

Deanne De Sousa, 39

I am a mom of two beautiful children, and a business owner. I run a digital agency based In Johannesburg, South Africa. 

I am all about self awareness and learning to love yourself especially in a world where Instagram and face and body changing apps are all the rage. We need real women, real beauty or what are we teaching the youth. Perfection does not exist. Strive to be happy in your own skin.

Leeann Mansfield

I’m a housewife aged 47.

Jessica Allison

My name is Jessica. I’ll be 42 in October. I’m a caregiver and also own JessicasBridal on Etsy, where I sell jewelry. I love what I do. Taking care of those who need help and creating really fulfill me! 

Basia Faustina, 44

My name is Basia and I am a medical secretary for a Gynecologic Oncology office in Massachusetts.  I am also a wife, mom of two, step-mom of three, daughter and sometimes caretaker to my parents and also help take care of my father-in-law.  I’ve had a busy 20 years and have focused on my family and busy job.

I will be 45 in January and am really interested in getting back to my hobbies of writing, photography, hiking, rowing, playing my ukulele, gardening and seeing live music. I really want to get back to prioritizing my female friendships so I can remember who I am as an individual and a creative person.  

Kristina Dutton, 45

I turned 45 a few weeks ago and, after coming across this site yesterday, realized I’ve taken almost no photos of myself from over three years now. So I decided to send in a photo and, on a walk with my husband this morning, snapped this selfie. 

After a number of years in San Francisco, California, we moved a little north to the beautiful coastal town of Inverness, CA. This photo was taken walking on the beach in Point Reyes National Seashore – the marine sanctuary adjacent to our home. 

I’ve worked in music as a performer all my life, but for a handful of years now I switched to working as a composer full-time (on ballet/dance productions and film/video scores). Most recently I found myself lucky to land a job as a part time staff writer for the local Pulitzer Prize winning paper, The Point Reyes Light.

Kristin Robles, 41

Hi I’m Kristin! I’m married 10 years and I’m a mom to a ten year old girl and a seven year old boy. I am also currently pregnant with another girl! I am an Elementary Special Education teacher in NYC and perform in local theatre during my free time. I love to dance, sing and spend time with my family. I love the outdoors and EDM festivals. Life is beautiful over 40!

Monera Takla, 43

I’m 43. I’m a mother to an eleven year old daughter and a two year old British short hair cat. I am a French, English and Italian tutor. I’m also a poet and writer I will be 44 very soon. You can find me at @poetryfromtheheartt on Instagram. This photo was taken last Saturday in Bournemouth. 

Jennifer Brizendine, 45

My name is Jennifer Brizendine, and I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. I’m 45 years old, soon to be 46 in April.  I’m a single mom to two teenagers, who happen to be the most amazing, beautiful, kind-hearted people I know. I’m an office administrator for an environmental services company in Indianapolis. I’m newly divorced and single, and happier than I’ve been in a long time. So, I welcome 46 with a smile!

Jamie Anderson, 42

I found your web page when I googled “what do woman over forty look like”. I was contemplating the way my looks have changed over the last 15 years and wondering if I look my age. I loved to see real women over 40 represented from all walks of life.

My name is Jamie Anderson, I live in the Pacific Northwest. I’m married with four kids and two step kids (ages 9-23). I currently work for a start up company as a Medical Coding SME, after gaining 20 years of experience as a medical coder and auditor.

Julie Murphy, 46

My name is Julie Murphy, I live in Wales and I am currently attending law school. I have over 24 years experience working in the social service and sociology field. 

Misti, 40

Hi I’m Misti. I am a wife and mother first but have a passion for flowers. I’ve been sober for five years now so a lot of growth has happened. I hope to continue to grow in the wedding and even business, but really on an open road in this life.  All I know for sure is I spent too long in the holds of addiction to not live life to its fullest from here on out! 

Cathy Sprague, 42

I’m just looking to embrace my middle age!! Loving myself more than ever and looking forward to aging along with my friends and family.

Raven Padmos, 47

I am the mom of three amazing boys: 6, 10 and 13. We live in Northern Canada and I work as an Education Assistant. I love to garden, ski, hike and spend time outdoors with my family!

Auston Perez, 40

My name is Auston Perez. I am a military veteran, mother of four, wife and a home maker. I am currently 39 and will be 40 in September of 2022.

I was scared of aging until I started came closer to my 40s… and then I started embracing myself as being more seasoned and I appreciate the experiences I’ve had, the stories I have to tell and ultimately the authentic person of who I am, and that I can share that with others. I love the idea of aging gracefully and naturally and I welcome it.

Angharad Evans, 49

I’m 49 on Monday. I’m  a teaching assistant, working with children with special needs. My husband took the photo in our living room. I home educated my children for 10 years and then decided to go back to work in schools.

Mel Tijhan, 48

Hi! My name is Mel Tjhan. I’m 48 years old and grew up in South East Asia. I’m a wife and mother of two loving boys. I’m also a caretaker of my Mom.

I believe in natural and healthy aging. I hope to age gracefully by embracing every wrinkles and gray hair I ‘earned’. Therefore, I’d like to encourage every older women out there to be proud of who you are and to enjoy the aging process as part of God’s grace and blessings!

Amy, 46

My name is Amy. I’m 46 years old. I am a divorced mother of two boys, aged 17 and 13. I’m a Certified Kripalu Yoga teacher, and I aspire to own a Cat Cafe in the near future. 

Kelly Valdespino , 46

I’m a mama and grandma of three, happily remarried and living my best life. I am a small business owner in Huntington Beach.

Sharla Stevens and The Ancestors, MEd

I own my business Sharla Stevens Consulting. I help Badass Black Women create six-figure online businesses centered around their peace! Having a slow, soft life definitely helps me age with grace. Melanin also helps!

Staci Goldsberry, 48

My name is Staci and I’m 48 years old. I’m a parking enforcement officer in Park City. I love being outside and I love the mountains and I don’t like wearing make up. I also love my gray hair.

Katerine, 47

I found this page by searching for “women 47 years” on Ecosia a few days before I turned 47 myself, although the search originally happened for a novel project. So many different wonderful women in midlife! Made and makes me really happy.

My residence is Hamburg, I’m German. After more than 15 years as an independent editor for scientific publications, and after a major crisis in my life four years ago, I’m now transforming into an eco-therapist 
and a mindfulness instructor. Since I do not have any family, my private life is filled with painting, writing, learning Sanskrit, and classical singing.

Stephanie Moore, 47

Hello, my name is Stephanie I am 47 yrs old , a single mom of three boys which two are already out on their own. I work remotely as a retention specialist for a local internet provider. My main goal in life is to be the very best mom I can be and try to help guide my children down the right paths.

Jayme Hilton, 40

My name is Jayme Hilton, and I’m a 40 year old RN with a Masters degree in Nursing Leadership. I’m also a wife and mother of a 19 year old daughter and 13 year old son. 

Valerie Rocks

My name is Valerie and I cook for a living. I will be 40 soon and I am single.

Lauren Peyton, 41

I am 41, I am a RN about to graduate nurse practitioner school. I am an Air Force veteran. I have been married 16 years and have a 21 year old stepson. 

Gökşen Parlatan, 44

I am 44 and will be 45 in this September. My name is Gökşen Parlatan. I am an artist and lives in İstanbul, Turkiye. Here I am in my art studio.

Rebecca Muller, 44

In my photo I am holding my college yearbook. It was taken after a reunion when visiting with a college friend. I chose the accommodating school I did because I had an unexpected AVM brain hemorrhage in sixth grade (similar to aneurysm). Before this occurred I made some of the top grades at school.

With my father a scientist and college professor, I was helped through the rest of school after this despite the disabilities I developed after the surgery for the brain hemorrhage and stroke (including becoming blind on the right side of both eyes, right hand partially paralyzed – although I can type – epilepsy, attention/concentration, and a math disability although I was able to relearn it up to 5th grade and get help with homework from family).

With family encouragement, I worked hard at the college, have a B.A. in Sociology/Anthropology with a Concentration in Latin American Studies.

I studied abroad in Ecuador, volunteered at an orphanage while there, and now am conversational in Spanish – although my family is on the East Coast, I have support from friends and my part-time job at a nonprofit organization in San Francisco allows me to use my learning experience in this when interacting with others, as well as helping as a volunteer to improve public transit as someone who has never been able to drive due to vision loss from the stroke I had. 

I try to be optimistic and appreciate the opportunities I have had and the abilities I do have instead of focusing on the challenges. 

We’d love to add your face to our collection

If you’d like to add your face to this collection just email us with your photo, age and a brief description of what you do.

And finally, it won’t surprise you to learn that it’s not just in stock photos that women are overlooked and underrepresented. As Caroline Criado Perez reveals in her book Invisible Women, we live in a world designed for men.

Celebrate a woman in their 40s

If you want to celebrate a friend or relative, you can take their best 40-year-old photo and turn it into a custom commemorative coin. These coins last forever and make a thoughtful, memorable gift.