The ultimate beauty routine for women

Did you know that the average woman will spend $15,000 on beauty products over her lifetime?

That’s a whole lot of beauty products and money spent on looking beautiful. But what if there was a more natural and cheaper way to look great?

To help you stop overspending on products, and become the natural beauty you are here’s a quick guide to the ultimate beauty routine for women.

The ultimate beauty routine

Do you worry you spend too much money on make-up? Money that you could be saving and spending on other things? Just imagine what kind of holiday you could have for $15,000, for example.

Or maybe you are worried about using certain products due to the toxins in them? (Some ingredients in our make-up have the potential to be harmful to our skin and our bodies.)

Perhaps you are tired of spending so much time on your current beauty routine, and are looking for an easier and quicker routine?

Whatever reason you have for changing your beauty routine, here are five steps to the ultimate (natural) beauty routine.

1) Stay hydrated

One of the best, and simplest, ways to look after your skin and look beautiful is by staying hydrated. It seems obvious that you need to drink plenty of water a day to keep your skin looking good, but many people forget to drink enough. 

It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. It’s not always possible to remember to drink that much, but just bear in mind that the more water you drink, the more hydrated and healthy your skin will look.

To keep your skin moisturized, it’s also better to have dedicated creams for each part of the body, such as a hand cream and a heel crack cream.

2) Get enough sleep

Another great way to improve your beauty routine is by getting enough sleep. While you are asleep your body naturally goes into repair mode, and your boy’s hydration rebalances, which can help give your skin to have a natural, radiant glow. 

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body can’t balance your water intake, which can leave you with puffy eyes, dark circles under your eyes, dry skin, and even wrinkles. Which is why it is vital to aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

3) Wash your face every day

Ditch the complicated facial clean, and all the products it involves, and instead to wash your face daily with warm water and soap.

If you do this at least once a day, you’ll keep your face clean, and help avoid the dirt and toxins which can block your pores.

4) Go make-up free

Many women hate leaving the house without make-up on, but your make-up can be clogging up your pores and making your skin worse.

So try make sure you have at least one day a week without wearing make-up. This will let your skin breath and it might even give you a confidence boost (trust us, you are beautiful and don’t need make-up!). 

5) Fight wrinkles

According to, the most common cause of wrinkles is from ultraviolet radiation (i.e. exposure to the sun). The best way to fight wrinkles and the signs of aging is to ensure you always wear sunscreen. 

Another way you can prevent the signs of aging is by daily moisturizing. Applying moisturizer can help to keep your skin hydrated and healthy looking. If you have acne or oily skin, make sure you choose sunscreen and moisturizer which are lightweight and oil-free. 

Photo by Branislav Belko