Skin care: Can alcohol cause serious damage to your skin?

We often feel that changing climatic conditions or harsh weather can cause damage to our skin. We check the weather regularly to know the forecasted conditions for the time to come. 

We put on sunscreen cream if the weather forecast is for hot scorching sun or put on water-resistant makeup if it shows a downpour.

But have you ever thought about the impact of alcohol consumption on your skin? Too much alcohol is not only bad for your body but your skin too. Let us delve a little deeper to understand better.

Why alcohol can be bad for your skin

Overexposure to alcohol can lead to various effects on the skin. It can include blotchiness to enlarged pores and dullness. There can also be increased puffiness and redness on the skin. 

A hangover is common the next day when you overindulge in alcohol. The feeling of sickness, poor sleep quality, or throbbing temples in the morning are some of the side effects. The skin can reflect disastrous effects that result from the inflammation and dehydration that are set in by the metabolization of alcohol.

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes is common when you do not get adequate sleep due to frequent alcohol consumption. People seldom want to refer to the benefits that they can get from stopping alcohol consumption. 

You can choose your drink wisely and keep your body nourished and hydrated. Such acts during the parties can aid to curb the effect of alcohol on your skin. With time, a higher quantity of alcohol will only lead to further damage to your skin. 

The symptoms that arise from this act of yours will stay longer. It makes the skin open to far-reaching damage that can set in premature skin aging.

The effects of alcohol on your skin

The resultant effects on the skin are inflammation and dehydration due to the consumption of alcohol. You may ponder on switching to sparkling water at your next party after going through the side effects of these two in detail.

The effect of dehydration

The effects of alcohol consumption and dehydration that you can see on the skin include:

  • Loss of elasticity of the skin leads to sagging and wrinkles on the skin
  • Enlarged pores
  • Dullness
  • Dryness

The skin looks supple, radiant, and youthful due to the presence of nutrients and moisture. Experts say that alcohol’s dehydrating action can deprive the skin of all these.

The fluids that are responsible for maintaining the skin get removed by the alcohol. It can lead to the increased appearance of dryness, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Alcohol is a diuretic liquid that draws water from the body significantly. It leads to a reduction in the body’s water level leading to dehydration. The texture as well as the color of the skin changes for dehydrated skin making it look unhealthy and dry.

The alcohol-induced dehydration of the skin leads to pore dilation and congestion. It can ultimately result in an increase in whiteheads and blackheads. The same can turn into rosacea and acne if not treated properly. The long-term effects are permanent scarring of the skin.

The effect of inflammation

The effects of alcohol consumption and inflammation that you can see on the skin include:

  • Increased flushing or redness of the skin
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Puffiness
  • Blotchiness

The high sugar content of wine and cocktails will start to be visible on your skin if you do not take them in recommended quantities. The sugar of the alcohol can trigger the IGF-1 hormone, which is responsible for the overproduction of oil in the skin. It can ultimately increase the chances of acne or breakouts.

The inflammatory condition Rosacea can aggregate due to alcohol consumption. The consumption of red wine leads to exacerbation of your Rosacea symptoms. The vasodilatory effect of the inflammations can lead to flushing and redness of the skin. 

There are also instances that exhibit the retention of the fluids in the face, leading to the puffiness of the face. You can also get itchy skin or pruritus, changes in hair and nails, or pigmentary alterations. It is also a cause of skin infections and cancer. 

So the effect of alcohol on the skin is way higher as compared to the climatic conditions that we prioritize. This requires the consumption of alcohol in moderate quantities that are not harmful to the body and skin. 

Overindulging in alcohol can lead to various complexities that have a long-term or permanent impact on the skin. So being cautious is the key. Choose your drink wisely, and drink responsably!