Six ways to deal with your first job interview rejection

Just left university or college and looking for a job? The chances are that you’ll experience rejection at some point. Here are six ways to deal with it.

So, you didn’t get the job you interviewed for. I know you are devastated but don’t worry; there are so many more opportunities out there.

Getting rejected by the company or business that you really want to work for can be extremely disheartening. But it’s okay because I am going to give you six ways to manage with the rejection to help you get past it – and find the right job for you.

1) Get a positive mindset

The first thing you will need to have is a positive mindset. Without that, you will struggle to complete the steps. So start with a big smile on your face! (Read how to get a growth mindset and embrace setbacks here.)

2) Don’t take it personally

Don’t take this rejection personally; you may have just not had the right skills that they were looking for. This must be a sign that you are the perfect person for another person’s company somewhere out there.

3) Take your mind off it

Obviously you are going to be hurt by this situation so why not try to take your mind off of it by doing a hobby that you love or maybe you could try a new one. Whether it’s riding a bike or baking a cake, do something that makes you happy.

4) Ask for feedback

Once you are feeling ready, you can ask for feedback on your interview. This may feel difficult but it is worth it. Write down the feedback and then move onto step five.

5) Use any feedback to improve

With that feedback, you can improve for your next interview. Read over it. Don’t forget to think of it as constructive criticism and do not take it to heart.

6) Start applying for more jobs!

You have now taken a breather to get back onto your feet, and you have taken in your feedback, when you feel ready, start searching for your next job.

Keep in mind that you are now one rejection closer to finding your dream job.

Read more tips to help you find your first job

Looking for your first ‘proper’ job after leaving university or college? You’ll find more advice here:

Rosie Heath is a pupil at Chatsmore Catholic High School and aspiring journalist. 

Photo by Element5 Digital