Six tips to consider when redesigning your website

Websites are an integral part of your digital marketing strategy today, so they are important to get right. Here are six tips to consider when redesigning your website.

Redesigning your website is a significant investment of time, energy and money. So it’s important you approach the project properly and understand all parts of the process.

Too often companies try to cut corners with their website, only to regret it later on with an inferior website that either doesn’t work as intended, lose them business, or needs to be replaced sooner.

To help you get your website redesign right, we’ve put together some top-line tips for you.

Five quick recommendations when redesigning your website

Before we get started, here are five quick recommendations when redesigning your website:

  1. Always go with a professional web designer. It may cost you more, but will be less stressful and you’ll have a far superior website at the end – one that may even cost less in the long run, and help grow your business. (Here are eight questions you need to ask a designer before hiring them.)
  2. When designing your site, make sure it has plenty of white space and is easy to navigate. This will help ensure that people stay on your site longer and are more likely to convert or buy something from your business.
  3. It’s important to know what software you want to use before deciding on which platform to design your site on. 
  4. Remember to ensure that your website is mobile friendly. If not, it will harm your user experience and reduce your SEO impact.
  5. If you change your URL remember to update your social media links so you don’t accidentally send people to an outdated site, or error page. 

Now we’ve got those out of the way, let’s look at the six main tips to consider when redesigning your website.

1) Your goals and public personas come first

When redesigning a website, start by working out what the site needs to accomplish. This will help you determine what features the site should have and implement these features.

Next, you need to determine who your customers are and their objectives. Use these details to represent segments of your target market and make sure that each persona has a specific set of goals so that they can fully experience the website’s benefits. It’s always easier to communicate your brand with a clear customer persona or avatar.

2) Get actionable feedback

When redesigning your website, make sure you ask your current and potential customers’ feedback. You could give them a survey or send them a message asking their opinion about the site.

Direct feedback is critical because it will help you know what areas of your site need to be fixed the most. What is actionable feedback? This is taking the time to ask your customers what they think of your website and then do something with that feedback. If you want to make future redesigns more effective, consider this advice.

3) Allocate sufficient time

No one is ever going to be happy with your website redesign if you throw it together in a day or even a week. So it’s vital to organize your time for the redesigning process to incorporate a lot of feedback and ensure that it’s 100% perfect when it goes live.

You don’t want to rush the redesign process. Allocate your time wisely on research and planning. This will ensure that your updated design is optimized for user experience and SEO. You also need to make sure your team is fully committed to the project, as you want everyone on board before you begin any work.

3) Understand the goal of your website

People redesign their websites for lots of different reasons. Some want to go more mobile friendly. Others need an upgrade because their old site was too slow. And sometimes the business has changed direction, or the website just become too outdated.

Whatever the reasons for designing a new website, it’s important to understand your goal for the site. Is it a portfolio site? Is e-commerce your aim? Or is it just to reassure potential clients that you are a legitimate business.

Only when you understand who is visiting your website and why can you plan a site that effectively meets your business goals and will repay you the investment you are making into it.

4) Get professional help

If this is your first time venturing into this field, enlist the expertise of a web design and management professional. Reputable services in this domain demonstrate a profound understanding of various critical elements. These include aesthetic aspects like color schemes and operational considerations such as your customer service policies and the strategy for website updates post-launch.

Designing a website is more complex than it may seem. It’s essential to consider the design carefully; this is where Eversite’s web design and management services shine. They can choose between unique templates, fonts, layouts, and buttons, creating a website that looks professional and aligns with your brand. Eversite’s team ensures that the final design reflects your company’s identity and values, providing a tailored online presence that engages your audience effectively.

5) Decide on your copy

You may want to change the look and feel of your website by adding new pages, or just rewriting your current pages so they are more up to date. Whatever changes you are making to your copy, it’s important you consider both SEO and what you want your customers to think, feel, know and do when visiting each page.

Here are some tips to help you write powerful,, SEO-friendly for your website:

Joseph is an economics in Marketing and Sales for Professional and Products Specialist. He works for Ajroni Web Agency as a content writer.

Photo by Jenny Ueberberg