Six reasonable ways to improve your marketing conversion rates

Having trouble turning website visitors into paying customers? Did you know only about 2% of website visitors actually become customers?

Improving your conversion rates can seem like a big task but it doesn’t have to be. By making a few tweaks and focusing on what matters most to your audience you can see big results without feeling overwhelmed.

Whether you’re a small business owner or part of a larger marketing team these six simple and practical strategies will help you boost your conversion rates. Ready to transform your marketing and see better results? Let’s get into it and see how you can turn more visitors into loyal customers.

1) Make your website user-friendly

Is your website easy to use? A user-friendly website is key to improving conversion rates. Start by making sure your site is intuitive and simple, so visitors can find what they’re looking for. Simplify your navigation menu, use clear headings and organise your content logically.

Also consider the speed of your site. A slow website will frustrate users and drive them away. Aim for fast loading times by optimising images, using browser caching and minimising unnecessary scripts. Mobile optimisation is also important as more people are browsing and shopping on their phones. Make sure your site is responsive and looks great on all devices.

Finally, look at the overall design and user experience (UX). Use a clean and attractive layout with plenty of white space to not overwhelm your visitors. Include high quality images and videos that enhance your content but don’t clutter the page. By making your website user friendly you create a pleasant browsing experience that keeps visitors longer and ultimately converts into customers.

2) Create attention grabbing call-to-actions

Ever wonder why some websites seem to effortlessly guide you to click that “Buy Now” button and others leave you scratching your head? The secret often lies in their call-to-actions (CTAs). Did you know that simply changing your CTA button colour can increase conversion rates by up to 21%? Now that’s worth considering!

First let’s talk about visibility. Your CTAs need to stand out like a neon sign in a dark alley. Use contrasting colours to make them pop. If your site’s main colour scheme is blue and white try a bold red or green button. But don’t just stop at the colour, make sure your CTAs are strategically placed. They should be on your homepage, landing pages and even at the end of blog posts. Remember, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to take the next step.

Next let’s look at the wording. A boring “Submit” button won’t excite anyone. Your CTA should be action oriented and convey a sense of urgency or benefit. How about “Grab Your Discount Now” or “Start Your Free Trial”? These are more compelling and encourage immediate action. In fact studies have shown that using the word “free” in your CTA can increase conversion rates by up to 4.2%.

But here’s the thing – your CTA should speak directly to the visitor’s needs and interests. Are you offering a free eBook? Try “Download Your Free Guide” instead of just “Download”. Tailor your CTAs to what you know your audience wants and watch the magic happen.

3) Use social proof and customer reviews

Have you ever hesitated to buy a product online until you saw reviews from other customers? If so you’re not alone. Social proof is a powerful marketing tool, with studies showing that 70% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. This stat highlights the importance of using social proof and customer reviews to increase your conversion rates.

Firstly, display customer testimonials on your website. These can be written reviews, star ratings or even video testimonials. When potential customers see positive feedback from real users it builds trust and credibility. Make sure to highlight reviews that mention specific benefits or features of your product or service. For example if several customers rave about your product’s durability or excellent customer service showcase those in their testimonials.

Then consider adding social proof widgets and badges to your site. These can display live updates such as how many people are viewing a product or how many have been sold recently. This creates a sense of urgency and reinforces your products popularity. For example “5 people are looking at this item now” or “10 sold in the last hour” can increase conversion rates.

4) A/B test

Are you sure your marketing is as good as it could be? A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a way to refine your approach and increase conversion rates. By testing two versions of a page or marketing element to see which one performs better you can make data driven decisions to supercharge your marketing.

Start by identifying areas of your marketing that could be tested. This could be headlines, images, CTA buttons, email subject lines or landing page layouts. Even small changes can make a big difference in user behaviour. For example changing the colour of a CTA button or tweaking a headline can increase click through rates by a lot.

Once you’ve decided what to test create two versions of the element you want to compare – version A (the control) and version B (the variant). For example if you’re testing a landing page you might keep the design and content the same but change the CTA button colour on version B. Make sure to test only one element at a time so you can see which change is responsible for any difference in performance.

Deploy both versions to a random segment of your audience. This ensures external factors like time of day or user demographics don’t skew the results. Use an A/B testing tool to track and analyse the performance of each version. Look at metrics like conversion rates, click through rates and bounce rates to see which version performs better.

Now the real insights come in. Did version B’s red CTA button perform better than version A’s blue button? If so you’ve found a preference that can be applied across your marketing. Repeat the process, testing different elements and refining your approach based on the data. This iterative process means your marketing is always evolving and improving.

5) Personalise your marketing

Ever feel like businesses just don’t get you? Your customers probably do too. Personalising your marketing can make a big difference in how your audience engages with your brand. In fact studies show personalised emails deliver 6 times higher transaction rates. That’s some serious impact!

Start by gathering data on your customers preferences, behaviour and purchase history. Use this to segment your audience into different groups. Instead of sending the same message to everyone, tailor your content to each segment’s needs and interests. For example if you run an online clothing store you could send recommendations based on past purchases or browsing history.

But personalisation goes beyond just addressing your customer by their first name in an email. It’s about showing you understand and value them as an individual. Maybe one segment of your audience loves eco-friendly products and another is always on the lookout for the latest tech gadgets. Customise your marketing messages with a Leading Video Animation Company in the UK to speak directly to these interests. It’s like having a conversation with a friend who gets you.

6) Bring customers back with retargeting

Ever had a customer almost buy from you but then get distracted by a cat video? It happens all the time! That’s where retargeting comes in. Retargeting is a powerful way to bring back those potential customers who visited your site but didn’t quite make it to the checkout.

So how does it work? Essentially retargeting uses cookies to track visitors who leave your site without converting. These cookies allow you to show targeted ads to these visitors as they browse other sites, reminding them of what they left behind. Studies show retargeted customers are 70% more likely to convert than new visitors. That’s a big win!

Start by identifying the key pages on your site where visitors drop off. Is it the product page? The shopping cart? Once you know where the problem areas are you can create retargeting ads specifically for those visitors. For example if someone abandons their cart you could show them an ad with the exact products they left behind, maybe with a special offer to sweeten the deal.

But don’t just stop at generic ads. Make your retargeting more engaging by personalising these ads based on user behaviour. For example if a visitor was looking at running shoes show them ads for the latest sports footwear or a limited time offer on the shoes they viewed. This level of personalisation can increase the chances of them coming back to your site.