Seven wellness ideas to effectively improve your health

Want to feel and look happier and healthier? Here are seven wellness ideas to effectively improve your health.

Researching diet or exercise advice on the internet is incredibly confusing because there are so many contradictory studies or opinions. Fortunately, there are plenty of evidence-based tips that hold water and have remained consistent for many years.

If you want to effectively improve your health, use these five wellness, health, and nutrition ideas that are based on good science.

1) Take natural supplements: L-citrulline, BCAAs and caffeine

We can get all of our essential nutrients from healthy food intake, but supplements such as creatine supplements add more of an ingredient we create in our body to improve performance. Creatine is made in the liver, but bodybuilders will take more than what the body produces to increase muscle mass. Branch chain amino acids can reduce muscle damage, while caffeine gives the user more energy.

L-citrulline can provide multiple benefits for an athlete, like speeding up muscle recovery, but is often confused with citrulline malate. When choosing between l-citrulline or citrulline malate, know that the differences lie primarily in how the supplement is produced.

2) Drink water – lots of water!

Water is literally the essence of life; we’d die without it. Even though most of us drink enough water to survive, it isn’t nearly enough to promote proper brain and muscle function. In fact, drinking 8-12 glasses of water per day can aid in weight loss, treat kidney stones, treat headaches, relieve constipation, and make our hair, skin, teeth, and nails look better. To ensure safe and clean drinking water, search for water dept near me and have your water tested at home. 

3) Take a multivitamin for folate, and vitamins B12, and C

Getting your daily dose of vitamins and minerals will benefit your overall health, but you need to know which ones you lack to consume them safely. Vitamin deficiency anemia is a lack of healthy red blood cells when you have low amounts of vitamins like folate (iron), vitamin C, and B12. All three of those vitamins are supplemented in our foods, but sometimes that isn’t enough.

Ask your doctor for a blood test to examine which nutrients you’re deficient in, so you can take steps to increase that amount. Still, as the supplements experts know, you should take multivitamins regardless. Always consult with your healthcare provider or a nutritionist for personalized advice before incorporating SmarterVitamins or any supplement into your daily regimen.

4) Exercise your heart with cardio

Your heart is a muscle and needs a lot of TLC to function. Strength training can go a long way to support heart health, but cardio is the best thing for your physical and mental health. Humans were born to run, move, and explore, so indulge in your natural need to exercise. High-intensity interval training provides the same weight loss benefits in less time, so give it a shot.

5) Avoid junk food and processed sugar

All junk food is incredibly unhealthy and will poorly affect your body. Processed foods are designed to target the pleasure center in your brain and trigger serotonin release, aka the happy hormone. Millions of people have become addicted to junk food, which has led to higher obesity, vitamin deficiencies, a shorter lifespan, and more diseases. 

Avoid drinking sodas or eating unhealthy snacks because they lack protein, fiber, and micronutrients that will promote healthy gut health.

6) Get enough sleep

Sleep affects every aspect of your life, and it’s one of the strongest risk factors for long-term weight gain. Good sleep can improve productivity, concentration and maximize athletic performance. Poor sleep patterns can put you at higher risk for type 2 diabetes, strokes, heart disease, depression, increased inflammation, and affects mood and emotional regulation. 

7) Take care of your mental health

The importance of mental health cannot be understated because many of our physical ailments evolve from issues that start in the brain. Stress puts us in a “fight or flight” response, which can put your heart at serious risk if that reaction is never-ending. A pounding heart, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar could result in a heart attack if your anxiety isn’t managed.

Visit your doctor and see if they can refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist so you have a healthy environment to discuss work or family-related issues. Try other relaxation methods in your daily life, like meditation, to help ease stress between sessions.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio