Seven ways to alleviate symptoms of joint pain

Do you suffer from joint pain? Discover seven natural ways you can help to alleviate your discomfort.

Joint pain is common in adults and can include aches and soreness in areas where your bones meet. The joints become painful when they are damaged by injury or disease. There are several tissues in the joint that can cause pain, including cartilage, bone, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Joint pain can be brought on by various conditions, including arthritis (inflammation of the joint), infections, diseases, and injuries. The knees, shoulders, and hips are the most common body areas affected by joint problems. Joint pain is more common among older adults.

 Some of the main causes of joint pain include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sprains, strains, and fractures
  • Lyme disease
  • Bursitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tendinitis
  • Gout
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Lack of exercise

Seven ways you can naturally alleviate joint pain 

While joint pain cannot be resolved overnight, there are several easy methods you can use to manage the pain. Here are seven suggestions from experts like those at the Texas Joint Institute.

1) Supportive aids 

Aids such as hip braces, bandage wraps, or knee sleeves can offer support and make movement easier. These aids, especially knee sleeves, can provide short-term help by alleviating regular pain. This can make your day-to-day more manageable while you build strength.

The best kind of knee sleeves are sleek, affordable, and discreet because they offer all-over compression without any bulk. 

2) Epsom salt soak

Epsom salts are a classic remedy for muscle and joint aches. Due to their high magnesium and sulfate content, Epsom salts reduce inflammation and muscle spasms and quickly relax tense areas. Add two cups of salt to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes.

3) Hot and cold packs

Hot and cold therapy is effective for managing joint pain in the short term. Spend twenty minutes applying a hot therapeutic gel pack. Afterward, apply a cold ice pack for another twenty minutes. If you can’t deal with the severity of ice, let it thaw out while you apply heat.

Even a mildly chilled pack can help relieve stiffness. If possible, apply ice or heat every day for at least 15 minutes. If swelling is bad, elevate the area to reduce fluid retention. There are ice therapy machines like donjoy iceman clear 3 for sale which are effective in dealing with injuries. 

4) Getting enough movement and exercise

Inactivity can cause stiff muscles in the body, leading to joint pain and worsening arthritis. For instance, tension in the leg muscles can cause additional stress on the knees and hips, as weak muscles result in instability and a higher risk of injuries and compensations. Regular exercise along with a supportive knee sleeve can strengthen and stretch affected joints and muscles, improving circulation and reducing pain.

However, for personalized treatment and expert guidance, consulting a qualified doctor for knee pain is essential. They can diagnose the underlying cause of knee pain and recommend appropriate interventions, such as physical therapy, medications, or surgical options, to alleviate discomfort and improve mobility.

5) If appropriate, weight loss

Extra pounds put excessive pressure on your joints and bones. Being overweight can also accelerate bone degeneration if you suffer from joint pain and bone disorders like osteoporosis. Losing just a few pounds can ease pain and prevent future problems.

When being overweight or obese is contributing to a health problem, experts recommend losing about 5–10% of your total body weight to see if symptoms improve.

6) Diet modifications

Diet changes are the most effective way to prevent against pain in the long run. Inflammation in the body causes weakness and eventually leads to tissue breakdown. Joint and bone pain brought on by inflammation and swelling can be reduced by implementing an anti-inflammatory diet.

Fish, chia seeds, walnuts, and other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can help lower inflammation in the body. In addition, fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants that delay the effects of aging. Processed foods, trans-fats, and added sugars can cause severe inflammation in the body, so limit (or even completely avoid) these.

7) Collagen and other nutritional supplements

Collagen is the type of protein present in our bodies that helps build joints and keeps connective tissue strong. Collagen acts as a natural glue, holding things like our skin and joints together. It has many benefits, such as supporting healthy muscle growth, reducing arthritis symptoms, healing artery walls and digestive tract walls, boosting energy, and helping us recover from workouts.

Foods high in protein, such as beef, chicken, fish, and eggshell membranes, are some of the best sources of collagen. Additionally, collagen is available as supplements, such as collagen protein powders, or can be obtained naturally from bone broth.

There are many different ways you can manage joint pain

You use your joints to access the world around you, from fun activities to daily tasks. Joint pain in your body can lead to decreased motion, decreased strength, and pain, preventing you from doing the things you love.

Luckily, there are several beneficial ways to manage pain, including the help of knee sleeves, exercise, diet, and more. Learning how to manage joint pain head-on is important, and while pain medications can decrease the amount of pain you feel, pills don’t eliminate the problem. Don’t let joint pain slow you down – try some of these natural remedies today!