Seven reasons why video contents outperforms written content

Many people think that the use of videos in social media uses up a lot of time that could be used to create content.

But the reality is that video content has actually been attracting more traffic than ever before. So is video content actually better than written content? Here are seven reasons why more people are turning to creating videos.

1) Video grabs attention more effectively

Whether you’re in Melbourne, Perth, or Brisbane, you can attract more attention with video content throughout Australia, much less the rest of the world. Visual content is more engaging than reading words on a page, and people are more likely to remember something that they heard and saw in a video than they read on a page.

2) Video content generates more leads

Any online business is interested in attracting more followers and customers, and video content tends to do that more than text. Video content generates more leads and higher click rates, making it a more effective marketing tool since it’s easier for content creator to get their message across in a more engaging manner.

3) Video establishes a human connection

Text cannot convey emotion the same way video does, and that can leave your content feeling cold. With video, however, you invoke tone and context, which can humanize you in front of your audience and make it easier for them to connect with you on a more personal level.

4) Videos are easy to create

If there are limited resources, it can definitely be difficult for small businesses to create videos from scratch. However, with the right software and know-how, professional videos can be created with just a few tools. If not, there is also the possibility of hiring the right professional to help you create your videos for you.

5) Video keeps viewers engaged

It’s easy for viewers to click away from a wall of text that they’re no longer reading, but video content is much more engaging, meaning that viewers are more likely to stick with it to the end. They are more focused on the content being presented to them in videos. Video content also allows viewers to leave their feedback through comments, and even share the content with their friends and family.

6) Video incites action

The movement taking place in a video is more likely to encourage viewers to take action than static images and text. This is because video requires them to pay attention and make a decision for themselves whether they should act or not.

7) Video improves brand recall

People retain information much better when they interact with it in an engaging format. Brand names are easier for them to recall when they’re in a video than when they’re in text form. That’s why commercials are so effective at becoming memorable; why not use that same formula for the content you create for your business?

Video is more effective at conveying specific messages, and is definitely more shareable with others. If you’re interested in creating videos for your brand, feel free to contact a professional as soon as possible to help you create memorable video content.