Seven reasons why enrolling in cosmetology schools could be a good career change

Thinking about a career change, or maybe even retraining? Here are seven reasons why you may want to consider enrolling in a cosmetology school.

Gone are the days of a job for life. Today it’s quite common to have not not several jobs in our working lifetime, but many of us have more than one career.

And often, for women, having a baby is the perfect opportunity to pause your career and consider whether you’re still on the right path (or ever were).

One new career path some women consider when exploring their options is cosmetology, as a career as a beauty expert can usually be flexibly worked around your family.

Cosmetology can also be a creative career choice, with lots of different areas to choose to specialise in. Plus your working conditions and environment are often very pleasant.

If this is an option that appeals to you, you’ll need training and certification. Luckily there are plenty of cosmetology schools to choose from, wherever you are in the world (like these cosmetology schools in Colorado Springs).

Here’s why you should consider enrolling in a cosmetology school if you’re looking for a career change.

1) It’s quicker to get your degree

One immediate benefit to retraining as a cosmetologist over other careers, is that it’s relatively quick to qualify. Unlike most other degrees, depending on where in the world you live, you can graduate as a cosmetologist in one to two years.

This means you can start earning money (and recouping the cost of your education) in your new career earlier than some other professions.

2) You’ll get the essential foundation in beauty skills

The beauty industry can be competitive, and there are so many different areas in which you can specialise.

So before you attempt to relaunch your career as a cosmetologist, it’s important you get a good foundation knowledge of a wide range of skills. These can include:

  • Hair cutting, coloring, and styling
  • Nail care
  • Makeup application
  • Skin treatments

This will enable you to not just have a good working knowledge of a range of skills (making you more employable when you qualify) but helps you to identify a particular area you might want to specialise in.

You might find, for example, that you have a particular skill for one area of cosmetology, or you enjoy it more. Or your local research might reveal a gap in one skill, giving you the chance to specialise and establish yourself as a new local expert.

3) You’ll learn more than just beauty skills

As a cosmetologist you’ll need to know how to perform beauty treatments. But if you want to work for yourself, you’ll need to understand more than how to cut a client’s hair. You’ll also need a grounding in business skills.

That’s why, at schools like these beauty schools in Colorado Springs you’ll also learn other foundational skills relating to a beauty career, such as communication skills and basic business management skills.

Other essential topics covered include sanitation practices, such as proper sterilization of beauty equipment.

4) You can retrain part time

Unlike some courses, you can qualify as a cosmetologist while studying part time – good news if you’re a mother looking for a new career that fits around your family.

5) You should always have work

While other industry fads come and go, the demand for beauty experts is always there. Even in times of recession, a beauty treatment is often an affordable and much needed treat.

In the United States, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the increase in employment of cosmetologists to rise up 13% until 2026. And the base salary is around 12 US dollars per hour.

6) It opens the door to exciting career options

With a cosmetology certificate you can find work in local salons, set yourself up as a freelance beauty expert or even start your own business.

But what if you wanted to purse a challenging and rewarding career? Cosmetology has the potential to open up exciting, creative career opportunities, including:

7) You can teach cosmetology

Actually practising cosmetology isn’t your only career option either. If you’ve always liked the idea of teaching, but don’t fancy spending years acquiring an education degree, you can always become a cosmetology instructor.

If you have a professional background from an accredited cosmetology school, you can add to you skillset with a cosmetology instructor program, in addition to your general educator course.

Photo by Element5 Digital