Seven reasons to give yourself a break and get some alone time

Do you feel rough around the edges and maybe a bit irritable? Does it seem as though the walls are closing in? Do the demands on your time and energy leave you with little to spare for yourself?

If so you can rest assured that you’re not alone in feeling this way. Giving yourself a break to get some alone time can be one of the best things you can do in this situation. Read on for several good reasons to carve out some solo time. 

1) Adventure

Going somewhere new by yourself means adventure. You’re away from the family and friends that usually surround you, and will have to seek out other people and means of support. There’s nothing like experiencing a new place through your lens only rather than through a joint perspective.

Wondering about how you can seize the opportunity? Love some inspiration? Try a search using terms such as Greek island cruises to get some great ideas. 

2) Perspective

You might be in a situation where you need to pull back and get some perspective. Whether it’s a family, career, or personal issue, it’s helpful to get alone and give yourself the gift of time to gain a new outlook.

Consider booking some time at a retreat center, taking a solo vacation, or even taking a long walk. You’ll be refreshed and better able to tackle the challenges in your life. 

3) Autonomy

Do you spend a large percentage of time thinking about how your thoughts, feelings, and actions affect others? Don’t be concerned; you’re not alone in this tendency. Human beings are social creatures. It’s necessary to depend on each other. But, if you are feeling like there’s little of “you” left, it’s harder to be present with loved ones. Getting some quality time by yourself can help you regain a sense of autonomy. 

4) Healing

Have you recently emerged from a daunting physical or emotional challenge? Has loss or caregiving been a big part of your life lately? Then being alone (with support as needed!) can be one of the best you can do to heal yourself. You can sleep as much as you want, sit outside, converse on your terms only, and settle your nervous system. Consider massage, meditation/prayer, or spiritual direction at this time. 

5) Spirituality

Going solo can be a powerful way to connect with your spirituality, both internally and externally. If you choose a destination with a great deal of natural beauty, you might find it easier to get in touch with your spiritual self. Inner promptings can come when you’re with other people, but the subtle movements of your spirituality are easier to discern when you’re alone. 

6) Discernment

Do you have a big decision to make? Are choices generally a challenge for you now? Then it’s a good idea to take some solo time to help you settle and determine your best course of action. There’s a long history of people going into retreat while they ponder a life-changing choice. Getting by yourself, you’re tapping into a wellspring of wisdom. 

7) Pleasure

Do you feel inundated by the 24/7 news cycle, the hum of appliances, the glare of electronic screens? Are you longing for a sense of pleasure and joy? That’s a strong indication that you need to get away and get alone.

Once you remove those sources of stimulation and distraction, you’ll be better able to enjoy the little things in life; the sound of the wind, the taste of your food, the scent of the outdoors, the touch of fabrics, and the sight of sunrise.

When you’re with others in your daily routine, it’s easy to be caught up in everyday matters and lose a sense of wonder and pleasure. Once you get alone and recapture it, you can bring that feeling of renewal to your loved ones. 

Intentional solitude involves awareness of all the benefits it can bring. Keep these considerations in mind as you plan your solo time.