Seven expert tips to boost your emotional intelligence and increase success

For business leaders, the responsibility of shaping their enterprise, employees, and balancing their personal lives rests on their shoulders.

Yet, there is a critical element often overlooked in their leadership tools: emotional intelligence. There is a clear gap for this tool amongst businesses striving to better themselves and improve their emotional intelligence, so much so that searches for “emotional intelligence test” have increased 226% in the past day. 

Emotional intelligence is more than understanding feelings. It’s a multifaceted skill set that influences relationships, decision-making, and team leadership.

To help better understand this area, Natalie Roberts, founder of Ikadre, shares seven unique ways to refine your emotional intelligence, and achieve new realms of success in your professional life.

1) Prioritise emotional awareness

The journey to emotional intelligence starts with understanding oneself. Regular self-reflection can assist in identifying emotions and their influence on decisions and behaviours. 

In complex scenarios, question your emotional responses. Noting patterns, triggers, and reactions will enable you to manage your responses and make better decisions.

2) Demonstrate compassionate leadership

Compassion is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. It goes beyond recognizing others’ emotions; it involves acknowledging them and responding suitably. 

By building a compassionate workplace, you foster stronger relationships, enhancing collaboration, motivation, and productivity.

3) Master the art of active listening

Communication is integral to emotional intelligence. Strive actively to listen  to the team’s opinions, issues, and feedback. This involves understanding their verbal and non-verbal cues. 

Active listening enables you to respond more accurately and with empathy to your team’s needs, making them feel valued because they are valued.

4) Embrace emotional mastery

Emotional mastery involves accurately identifying and understanding our own and others’ emotions. As leaders, individuals must grasp their team’s emotional dynamics to lead effectively. 

Consider tools and strategies, such as emotional granularity (precise labelling of emotions), to help with this process.

5) Establish an optimistic atmosphere

Positive emotions amplify our cognitive capabilities and lead to superior decision-making. Cultivating a positive environment can invigorate our team, elevate creativity, and minimise stress. 

Acknowledge accomplishments, no matter how minor, and encourage a culture of optimism and resilience.

7) Welcome constructive criticism

Feedback is a path to progress for both leaders and their businesses. Embrace a growth mindset and view each piece of feedback as a chance to learn and enhance. 

By promoting a feedback-rich culture, you foster transparency, improve your offerings, and meet your customer’s needs more efficiently.

Incorporate emotional agility practices

Emotional agility, the ability to navigate emotions effectively, is an important aspect of emotional intelligence. This can be developed by incorporating practices such as mindfulness, journaling, or emotional role-play in individuals’ daily routines. These exercises help in managing emotions better, reducing stress, and leading to greater job satisfaction.

Improving emotional intelligence is a journey, not an overnight task. Yet, by honing these skills, individuals can shape an emotionally intelligent workspace that prioritises empathy, effective communication, optimism, and growth.