Ready to plan a brilliant 2022 for your business? Here’s how to do it now
Want to ensure you have a brilliant business in 2022? Here’s how you can start planning it now.
Like many people you’re probably ready to say goodbye to 2021! But what does 2022 have in store for you? And how can you ensure it’s a brilliant year for your business?
While you may not be able to control influences like a global pandemic or lockdown, there are still many things you can do to ensure that, whatever the economy, your business has the best chance of survival in 2022.
And not just survival, but actually thriving!
We know from our own business and from the many freelancers and business owners that we work closely with, that she who plans usually ends up with a better and more profitable business.
If you don’t DO sales, you don’t GET sales
And not just any old planning. Specifically, you need to be starting your SALES planning now if you want to see a steady stream of money flow into your business next year. Because as we often preach:
If you don’t DO sales, you don’t GET sales.
When you see it in black and white like that it makes absolute sense. And yet too often we’re guilty of doing anything but selling.
We spend weeks honing the perfect product. We spend more weeks chatting with our followers on social media. And we tell ourselves that if people like what we’re selling, they’ll find it and buy. After all, we don’t want to badger people or come across as too ‘sales-y’.
But the problem for most small business owners and freelancers is that they’re not sales-y enough. In fact, they’re so scared of putting off customers that they almost un-sell! A business coach I once worked with called this ‘hiding your bananas’.
Are you hiding your bananas?
So are you hiding your bananas? Are you making it difficult for customers who need and want what you’re selling to buy from you just because you’re too shy to actually sell?
If so, we have the perfect solution: our Plan Your Year Masterclass.
Our masterclass shows you how to plan a year of sales for your business, to ensure that your bananas are on full display and you are actively selling them.
We do this by walking you through the key elements of marketing, sales and social media that you need in place, and guiding you through creating a sales calendar (using our own worksheet template) for the entire 12 months.
Here’s what’s included in the class, and why they’re so powerful:
- An 18-page PDF workbook you can print out and complete to help you review your learnings from the past year and set actionable goals for the year ahead for key areas of your business.
- A 27-minute video class that teaches you key principles that will improve your marketing, sales and social media success over the next 12 months.
- A sales worksheet that helps you confidently plan out a year of sales activity, day-by-day and set and track sales targets each month.
And here’s what you’ll learn in the video class:
- How to review the most important learnings from the past year
- And how to set clear, actionable profit goals for the year ahead
- The three things you need to do in the next year if you want to make money
- What quick wins and acorns are – and how to use them to increase your sales
- Four quick win ideas that will boost your sales
- How to use our sales calendar to plan a year of sales growth
- The difference between campaign and nurture in marketing and why you need to do both
- The four things you NEED to be doing on social media for your business
It’s your complete 2022 profit planning package, one that will give you results-based actions you can use over the next 12 months to grow your business income.
Set powerful business goals for the year ahead – starting now
Planning and goal setting are two important elements of business success, and our Plan Your Year Masterclass helps you to do both. So if you don’t already have a solid plan for 2022 or are worried you won’t get the sales you hope, this is the class for you.
As soon as you buy the class you have full access to all the content. So you can start planning your 2022 straight away. You also get lifetime access to it. So you can use the resources again next year for 2023, and build on your success in the previous 12 months.
The Plan Your Year Masterclass is usually £60, but if you buy now using this unique link, you can get access to all the resources, and start planning, right now for just £39.
This could be the best £39 you ever spend on your business. After all, just think: where might you be this time next year with 12 months of sales growth behind you, thanks to the plans you make now?