Read our top 10 stories on salary and freelance rates

Want to earn more money in your career or freelance work? Read our top 10 stories on salary and freelance rates.

Time and again, studies seem to show that women aren’t great at asking for, and getting, a fair or equal wage or rate for their work.

To help you buck this trend, over the past two years we’ve written and shared a number of articles and guides to help you develop a healthier relationship with money – and get paid what you deserved.

Read our top 10 stories on salary and freelance rates

Whether you’re an employee or a freelancer, in these 10 articles you’ll find plenty of practical advice to help you ask for and get more money for your work.

1) How to ask for a pay rise – and get it!

If you can’t confidently and reasonably ask for a salary increase, it’s unlikely you’ll receive one – especially in tough economic times. However, when it comes to asking for more money, women are – according to several surveys – lagging far behind men.

In this article we reveal the secrets to successfully asking for a pay rise. Learn how to prove you’re worthy of one, and how to pick the right time to ask.

2) What can you do if a colleague is paid more than you?

In this Q&A, Helen Taylor, Head of HR at Instant Offices advises a reader who finds out that a male colleague is being paid £5,000 more a year for the same role.

She explains what you need to take into consideration before acting, how to handle the situation and how to use the Equal Pay Act.

3) 10 ways you can baby-proof your career

Don’t want your career to suffer from taking time off to have a baby? With some carefully planning, you can establish yourself as an essential member or manager of your team, and ensure that you are able to slot back into your job after maternity leave more smoothly – and improve your bargaining power for flexible working, if you want it.

To help improve your post-baby career options, in this article we share 10 ways you can baby-proof it.

4) How to ask for a pay rise after years of not having one

In this Q&A, a reader asks how she can approach her employer about a pay rise after three years without one.

Helen Taylor, Head of HR at Instant Offices, explains why pay rises aren’t an automatic entitlement, how to approach asking for one, and what to do if you get turned done.

5) How to adopt a ‘money mindset’

Does money often feel like a struggle? Do you wonder why wealth, pay rises and bonuses seem to come so easily to some people and not you?

In this article Katie Phillips from Daring & Mighty reveals why having an ‘abundance’ money mindset is so important – and how to get one.

6) Why you shouldn’t be afraid to charge your worth

Are you happy with the amount you’re earning for your work? Or, like many women, are you afraid to charge your full worth?

In this article we explain why you NEED to start charging your full value, and how you can learn to charge what you’re worth.

7) How to improve your negotiation skills

At some point in your career, you may find yourself in salary negotiations. And when you do, the party with the superior negotiation skills is likely to have the upper hand.

To arm yourself with those skills, this article teaches you how to negotiate to win, come to a mutually satisfactory agreement, and what to do if you don’t get what you want.

8) How to use the Law of Attraction to get what you want

Wouldn’t it be good if all you had to do to get what you want was to imagine having it? Actually, it may be just that simple when you use the Law of Attraction.

In this article career transition coach Natalie Ekberg explains how the Law of Attraction works, and how you can use it positively to get closer to your desired outcome in any situation – including pay negotiations.

9) How to raise your freelance rates

Are you happy with your freelance rate? Or would you like to earn more per hour or day? To help you increase your income, we’ve put together this complete guide to successfully raising your freelance rates.

In it you’ll learn how to work out your real rate, why you need to raise it, how to earn more without raising your rates, how to tell your clients you’re putting them up, and what to do if they challenge you.

10) How to tame your negative inner voices

What’ holding you back from asking for (and getting) the salary you want? For too many women, the answer to this will be self-doubt. All too often we’ll allow ourselves to be talked out of grand plans, and even just modest ones, by our own negative inner voices.

In this article coach Amanda Cullen explains why our inner voices can be so limiting, and how you can tame yours and make the right decisions, and ask for what you really want.