Nine healthy habits of emotionally strong people

The fundamental qualities of successful people are purposefulness, optimism, and inner strength. They know how to win with dignity, but also to lose.

And the good news is that you can develop these qualities and learn to be a strong and emotionally stable person. These strengths will help you overcome life’s obstacles more easily, be strong in times of trouble, solve difficult problems, and confidently work towards your goals.

Nine healthy habits of emotionally strong people

Most successful people have similar habits and personality traits that are worth observing and building in yourself. And to help you, here are nine healthy habits that will turn you into an emotionally strong person.

1) Self-confidence

Mentally strong people are self-confident and resolute in the face of obstacles. They are happy to overcome barriers and take calculated risks in pursuit of their goals – which enables them to achieve career growth and high salaries faster.

This, of course, does not mean that you need to rush headlong into any opportunity that comes your way. While emotionally strong people know how to take risks, before they do so they will always weigh everything carefully to assess the potential risks and outcomes.

By being unafraid to take risks (and deal with whatever outcome presents itself as a result) you can also develop confidence in your decisions, and your ability to cope with whatever happens.

2) A healthy relationship with alcohol

While we all suffer setbacks and emotional crises from time to time, successful, emotionally healthy people don’t seek comfort in alcohol. According to experts, alcohol abuse is connected to low self-esteem and feelings of hostility. It can also affect your ability to make wise decisions and form and maintain healthy relationships with others – both professionally and personally.

Over time, reliance on alcohol to numb life’s rough edges can lead to addiction. This behavior tends to affect not only the person involved in addiction but also their whole family. That’s why there are programs that help the whole family. Through family therapy for addiction, a positive environment can develop, helping people to overcome addiction and enjoy better emotional stability for the whole family.

3) The ability to say “no”

When you agree to everyone else’s requests and demands, not only are you less able to met your own needs and goals, but over time you canfind yourself becoming resentful. Inwardly strong people know how to say “no” when they need to, no matter how difficult it may be. People who are not able to do this, according to psychologists, are more likely to suffer from nervous breakdowns. 

Emotionally strong people are well aware that it is impossible to please everyone. So they are more comfortable diplomatically refusing something if they don’t want it or to do it, or it’s not in their best interests. Importantly, they are also happy being told “no” by others. They also do not agonize over the consequences of saying “no”, or worrying excessively about the emotions of others when they do.

4) Regular exercise

According to many different studies, people who play sports or do simple exercises at least twice a week are more socially adjusted, and more confident in themselves and in their abilities.

Physical health is the key to mental health. During exercise, your body produces endorphins, which positively affect your brain function and concentration. This is the reason that many successful people make sure they set aside time in their busy schedules for training every week.

5) A reasonable attitude to failure

Emotionally strong people are often clear about what they need to focus on. And while they are aware that failure is a possible option, they focus instead on what they are working to achieve.

This clarity helps them to control their mental state. If you constantly dwell on problems, and worry about what might happen, you might never take steps towards your goals, or risk reaching for something ambitious. And the worry about what might happen can cause serious stress which will negatively affect your work and productivity. 

Each failure is, first of all, a user experience and an opportunity to take one more step. Most (if not all) successful people have experienced many failures in life before they succeeded. The main thing is not to give up and continue working to achieve your goal, regardless of the setbacks.

6) Ready for change

Internally strong people are emotionally flexible and almost always ready to adapt to the inevitable changes that are taking place. They know that the fear of change paralyzes their will and threatens the achievement of goals. 

Leaders try not to get in the habit of being afraid of the unknown. Change and uncertainty, rather than derail them, often bring out their best qualities. Changes can even bring opportunities for self-realization and the development of your personality.

7) Compliance with sleep patterns

It is difficult to overestimate the role of sleep. During sleep, your brain gets rid of toxic proteins that are a by-product of neural activity. But when we are awake, they are not removed and remain in the cells of our cerebral cortex. 

Sound and healthy sleep have a positive effect on your mental functions and concentration. Mentally strong people who strive to be successful know how important it is to keep their brain clear and well-functioning. Insomnia, fatigue, waking up dizzy all these factors may hinder your path to success. They can also make you more emotionally vulnerable and make small problems feel like huge, insurmountable barriers. So do not neglect healthy sleep, even for the sake of work.

8) Not living in the past

Mistakes and failures of the past often haunt people and prevent them from developing normally in the present. But you need to leave the past behind as much as you can. Yes, take lessons from what has happened, but dwelling over what you did, or what did not happen will not change the outcome and simply keeps you trapped and miserable.

So instead of constantly worrying about past mistakes, use your experience to shape the future you want. Strong people know how to live for today while learning from their mistakes. Stone endlessly recalling former mistakes and defeats and save your emotional strength for building the future you want.

9) Spending time alone

Some people need constant communication and the attention of others. Without being able to talk to family or friends, they may suffer from loneliness and experience negative emotions.

While inwardly strong people enjoy healthy relationships with others, and recognise the value of communication and community, they are not afraid to be alone with themselves. They use their free time for planning, self-reflection, and productive work. The happiness of a self-confident person does not depend on the people around them. They knows how to be self-sufficient both alone and in company.