Methods to get the edge over your cafe competition

For people all around the world, having their own cafe is the ultimate dream. You have envisioned it for years and now the dream has finally come to fruition.

You might think there is no better feeling, right? Unfortunately, opening up your own cafe is not the hard part. The true difficulty comes when you are trying to keep it open. Cafes in towns and cities are definitely not sparse, so you are definitely going to have to deal with some competition during your run as an entrepreneur. 

Competition should not scare you away. After all, this can often bring out the absolute best in a business. As a business owner, you are really going to be tested, and it will force you to give your dream everything you have.

So how do you get the edge in such a competitive field? Various different tactics can be used in your business. You can find some listed below that can provide some inspiration. 

Get your marketing right 

Marketing is as important as a building. A huge amount of your consumers are going to come following a Google search. ‘Cafes near me’ is an extremely common search – what you want to ensure is that your cafe is popping up at the top of those searches. So how do you attain this? Having a top SEO score is essential for getting ahead of the competition. Top services like a growth marketing agency in St. Louis can help you get here. 

You should also make sure that your customer reviews are as good as possible. Good reviews mean you are going to be recommended more often to potential consumers. Dealing with bad reviews promptly and professionally is a good way to turn a negative into a positive. There will always be bad reviews – it’s how you deal with them that others will pay attention to. 

Social media is nothing short of essential as well. When you have a bigger following, you are going to have a bigger reach. Showcasing new menu items, business updates and providing responses are all going to get more people in your doors. 

Peaceful atmosphere 

People usually go to a cafe looking for a peaceful time. Many will use your space as a place to work, study or read. While others are going to use the cafe to meet up with friends and have great conversations over a coffee.

So having a really peaceful atmosphere is something that is really going to be appealing to your consumers. You can have this by having a spacious floor, incorporating some greenery (botany), and homely decor.

Background sound is crucial, consider incorporating a streaming music service for restaurant, designed specifically for your restaurant to enhance the ambiance. When people feel relaxed and comfortable in your space, they are definitely going to come back. 

Step outside of the box 

Try to get inspired and add unique features to your cafe. There are some fundamentals that cafes should follow; however, put in your own twist as well. This could include a certain kind of theme, certain music playing, or unique uniforms. The more creative you get, the better. 

When you are offering up something that competitors aren’t, this is just going to give consumers another reason to return to your place of business. A house-special dish or coffee is a common example of this that you could offer to stand out.