Interview with designer Kiran Singh
When single mum Kiran Singh was let go from her job by text message, she decided to work for herself and set up a number of businesses – and says it’s the best decision she’s ever made!
What’s your career background?
My background is in interior design, graphic design, Mac design, PR and marketing and social media.
How did your career change once you had children?
I decided to become self-employed after my maternity leave, which worked out well. But once I moved to London, I was looking for safety and only worked part-time.
I didn’t particularly enjoy the work, and when I was let go by a text message last year I decided to go back to working for myself – which has been the best decision I have made.
You moved to the UK from Norway. What prompted your move?
A change. My mother passed away due to cancer and everyone in my family moved on with their lives, so I decided to do the same.
What do you do now?
I am interior designer at Studio Kiran Singh, founder and Editor-in-Chief of My Unique Home, Vivacious Mum and Passion for Food. I also just wrote and published my first book!
You’re a busy woman! What drives you?
I guess passion for everything I do and the work I do is a part of my daily life, so it doesn’t feel like ‘work’.
What’s Vivacious Mum?
Vivacious Mum is a mum-focused website with expert advice, whose aim is to support, empower, inspire and motivate mums through weekly newsletter and blogs and monthly mastermind session.
You’re a single mum – how do you balance work and your children?
I work around my daughter. My main working hours are when are when she is at school, BUT I tend to bring her to my meetings, events etc (as long they are child friendly of course) so she can see how I work and what I do.
What would you like to have achieved in five years’ time?
I would like to have my own design studio, a small property in France or Italy, to have a well-lived and travelled life, learn new skills, give my daughter the best life and to empower and inspire fellow single mums.
What advice do you have for other working mums?
Never give up on your dreams. There will be endless of ups and downs, it’s all a learning curve. If it’s good it’s a blessing, if it’s not so good, it’s a lesson. Make realistic goals, small steps at a time. And you will slowly slowly get there. Oh and enjoy the journey!
You can learn more about Kiran on her website.