Interview with author Melissa Baldwin

Melissa Baldwin has always had a love for writing. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. An avid journal keeper, she took her creativity to the next level by fulfilling her dream with her debut novel, An Event to Remember . . . Or Forget.

Since then, she has written and published four more novels, Wedding Haters, See You Soon Broadway, Not Quite Sheer Happiness and Friends ForNever.

Melissa lives in Orlando, Florida, with her husband and young daughter. When she isn’t writing, she’s busy being a mother, wife, chauffeur, PTA President, and fitness trainer. And when she has free time, she enjoys traveling, running, fitness, and taking a Disney Cruise every now and then. Here’s her story.

What inspired you to write your first book?

It’s something I always wanted to do. I actually started writing a book years ago about my many horrible dating experiences.

When my daughter was five years old I was diagnosed with Secondary-Infertility, I needed a good distraction. I finally decided to follow through and write my book; once I started writing I didn’t want to stop.

What genre do you consider your books?

They’re chick lit/romantic comedy. I’m also working on a cosy mystery.

How many books have you written?

I have written and published seven books. I have two more in the editing process.

The Event to Remember Series:

  • An Event to Remember…or Forget
  • Wedding Haters
  • Not Quite Sheer Happiness

Friends For Never, published with Gemma Halliday Publishing

The Broadway Series:

  • See You Soon Broadway
  • See You Later Broadway (releasing April 2017)

The Seasons of Summer Novella Series:

  • Fall Into Magic
  • Winter Can Wait
  • To Spring With Love (releasing May 2017)
  • Return to Summer (releasing July 2017)

Do you have a specific writing style?

I write in the present tense. I want readers to actually be with the main character, to feel what they are feeling while going through their experiences.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? I have always loved to write for as long as I can remember. I kept journals for years and enjoyed writing papers when I was in school.

What is your favourite scene that you’ve written?

Ugh! This is a difficult question. I really enjoy the funny scenes. In my first book, An Event to Remember…or Forget, Sienna gets stuck in an elevator. That actually happened to me.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Keep going, even on those days when you feel like your writing is horrible. If you want to write and publish a book, go for it.

And your proudest moment so far?

I feel proud each time I finish a book. Another awesome moment was when my novel, Friends For Never was picked up by Gemma Halliday Publishing.

Who inspires you?

I’m inspired by other authors and women who go after what they want.

How do you balance your career with your family?

I’m very organised and I plan everything (it’s kind of annoying). I have a specific writing schedule. I work around my daughter and her activities, she’s my first priority.

Thankfully I have a husband who is very supportive.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you. Your support and positive words mean more than you know.

You can find out more about Melissa Baldwin on her website, and find her on Facebook