How to write compelling product descriptions that sell

Love to sell more? Discover key copywriting strategies that will help you to write compelling product descriptions that sell.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you understand that product descriptions are vital in sales. A well-written description, like those crafted by skilled copywriters such as Ed Pritchard, can inspire customers to click “Add to Cart” and purchase. In contrast, a poorly written one can leave potential buyers confused or uninterested.

We’ve outlined some practical tips and best practices to help you create compelling product descriptions that sell. Let’s dive in!

Know your audience

When identifying your target audience, consider age, gender, occupation, income level, geographic location, and hobbies. For example, if you sell high-performance running shoes, your target audience could be athletes and fitness enthusiasts aged 18-40 who regularly participate in marathons or other running events.

Conduct market research, analyse customer data, or use social media analytics to gain insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviours. This information allows you to craft product descriptions that speak directly to their needs and desires.

Focus on benefits, not features

To emphasise your product’s benefits, list its features and identify how each one translates into a tangible benefit for the customer. For example, a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter (feature) could be described as “Our advanced HEPA filter technology ensures that allergens, pet dander, and dust are effectively trapped, providing you with a cleaner, healthier living environment (benefit).”

Connecting the product’s features to real-life scenarios makes it more relatable and appealing to potential buyers.

Be clear and concise

To create clear and concise product descriptions, use simple language and avoid overly technical terms. If you’re selling a smart thermostat, instead of saying, “Compatible with Z-Wave and Zigbee protocols,” explain it as “Easily connects with your smart home system for seamless temperature control.” Formatting elements like subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to improve readability.

Use power words and sensory language

Incorporate power words and sensory language to evoke emotions and create vivid mental images. For instance, if you’re selling gourmet chocolates, you could write, “Treat yourself to our decadent, velvety chocolates, carefully crafted with the finest ingredients to deliver an unparalleled taste sensation.”

By using words like “decadent,” “velvety,” and “unparalleled,” you paint a picture in the customer’s mind, making the product more enticing.

Optimise for SEO

To optimise your product descriptions for SEO, conduct keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner or Moz Keyword Explorer. Identify long-tail keywords relevant to your product and have a lower competition rate.

For example, if you’re selling eco-friendly yoga mats, potential long-tail keywords could be “non-toxic yoga mat” or “biodegradable yoga mat.” Incorporate these keywords within descriptions, product titles, and meta descriptions to improve search engine rankings.

Use social proof

Feature customer reviews, testimonials, or ratings prominently within your product descriptions. For example, you could include a quote from a satisfied customer like, “This blender has revolutionised my morning smoothie routine! It’s powerful, easy to clean, and makes the creamiest smoothies I’ve ever tasted.” Additionally, consider displaying star ratings or awards your product has received, as this can also serve as a form of social proof and increase buyer confidence.

Include a clear call-to-action (CTA)

Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity with your CTA using phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Only a Few Left in Stock.” For example, you could write, “Experience the ultimate comfort of our premium memory foam mattress for yourself. Order now and enjoy free shipping for a limited time!” This encourages customers to take action and increases the likelihood of a purchase.

Proofread and edit

Proofreading and editing your product descriptions ensure they are professional and error-free. Use grammar and spell-checking tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor to identify potential issues. Read your descriptions out loud to ensure they flow naturally and are easy to understand. Ask a colleague or friend to review your descriptions for clarity and coherence. They may catch mistakes or suggestions for improvement.

Test and optimize

Finally, monitor the performance of your product descriptions and make adjustments as needed. Test headlines, formatting, and language to see what resonates best with your audience. Regularly reviewing and optimising your descriptions can improve conversion rates and higher sales.

In conclusion, writing compelling product descriptions is both an art and a science. By understanding your audience, focusing on benefits, using persuasive language, and optimising for SEO, you can create descriptions that effectively showcase your products and drive sales. So, start crafting those irresistible product descriptions that will have your customers clicking “Add to Cart” in no time!