How to use weighted blankets effectively

Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential for feeling good and doing well in life. But many people have issues falling asleep and staying asleep all night.

Stuff like light, noise, uncomfortable beds, stress, and more can get in the way. So what can you do about it? A lot, actually! Keep reading to learn some helpful science and tips any person can use to get those fantastic ZZZs in each night that you need.

Why do we need sleep?

Our bodies and brains depend on solid restorative sleep every night; there are no ifs or buts about it. During sleep, all the day’s learning and memories get locked into our brains permanently. Our cells also repair themselves from any damage, and our hormones get balanced out so we can stay emotionally hydrated. 

Skipping out on enough sleep causes our minds to get foggy while making us prone to weight gain and sickness, too. So yeah, sleep keeps us sharp plus healthy over the long run. But enough about the bad stuff…

What makes for a good night’s sleep?

Quality sleep comes from getting enough total nightly hours of uninterrupted cycles so you can recharge fully. Light, noise, discomfort, or stress during the night can mess with your sleep cycles’ timing, though. This lowers sleep quality, affecting how you think and feel the following day. No matter what’s causing trouble heading to dreamland, there are helpful fixes worth trying so you can start waking up feeling refreshed again.

How can weighted blankets create calm?

Have you ever heard of weighted blankets? They can help folks relax and sleep better. These special blankets are filled with tiny glass beads that gently press down on your body when you’re under one. It might sound weird, but that light pressure has a massively calming effect on kids and adults.

Research shows the gentle hug feeling weighted blankets give causes the brain to release “feel good” chemicals serotonin and melatonin. This is the body’s way of saying it’s time to chill out and get sleepy – perfect for bedtime! People who use weighted blankets tend to fall asleep faster and sleep better overall, thanks to these blankets’ magical destressing powers.

1) Find the right weight

Picking the perfect weighted blanket for your body matters big time. You want one that’s around 10% of your weight for the best comfort and safety. Weighted blankets that are too heavy or too light don’t give that ideal snuggly sensation needed to work their relaxation magic. Measure yourself and read product details carefully.

For kids’ weighted blankets, always adhere to weight and size guidelines for health safety, too. If you are unsure, get guidance from your pediatrician. The bottom line is that the proper density-weighted blanket chosen purposefully makes getting into that restorative sleep you need each night easier than ever!

2) Use blankets strategically

Okay, so how exactly should someone use their weighted blanket for excellent sleep every night? Make winding down under it part of your regular pre-bed relaxation routine!

Turn lights low, get into PJs, and sink into its comforting embrace as you listen to music or do breathing exercises. Let all the daily stresses melt away as those weighted beads work their magic on both body and mind. You’ll feel your eyes getting heavy within mere minutes, signaling sweet sleep coming soon.

3) Cushion pressure points

Aside from weighted blanket awesomeness, did you know mattress toppers can majorly upgrade sleep, too? Good toppers make a mattress that is too firm or old-fashioned more comfortable. They create a cushiony layer that stops your body’s natural pressure points at the shoulders, hips, and back from aching against the hard bed below you all night.

This prevents tossing and turning while helping you stay fully supported and aligned. You’ll wake up less sore, letting you take on each day at your best. Got back pain or numb arms? A quality topper tailored to how you sleep often improves everything rest-wise. Those pressure points will stop bugging you and let you sleep like a baby all night!

Finding mattress topper perfection

Knowing your sleep style is step one in picking out an awesome mattress topper. Side sleepers, for instance, need extra shoulder and hip cushioning from softer toppers. Back sleepers require light padding with lumbar support to prevent lower back discomfort from too much sinking. No two sleepers have the exact needs, so take careful notes on your trouble spots before shopping.

Then, armed with that handy self-knowledge, you can zero in on the pad-layered setup, offering the proper density, thickness, and spacing to correct the issues, knocking your rest off track. It takes experimenting to get the topper formula wholly dialed in, but most find a customized cushioning approach improves the first night of sleep. Sweet dreams are only one supportive topper away!

How to use mattress toppers

Adding a mattress topper to your existing bed really couldn’t be easier. Simply place the padding smooth side down to lay flat and even across the whole mattress. Make sure all corners stay neatly tucked under. Pair your plush new surface with cozy sheets and pillows, and it’s off to dreamland!

Play around with toppers in different thicknesses to tweak your setup over time. Through the adjustment process, you’ll quickly find the right level of cushy support that matches your unique shape and preferences. You’ll have crafted a sleep haven tailored to you in no time. Now, that’s how you catch some consistent Zs each night!

Get a good night’s sleep

At the end of the day, sleep plays a gigantic role in keeping our minds and bodies happy and healthy in the long term. Small bedroom tweaks like weighted blankets and mattress toppers create the restful conditions science says we need to recharge nightly. So now that you know their secrets, go ahead and try them out for sleep success!

Before you know it, you’ll transform your bed from stressful to serene, get proven better rest consistency, and finally address nagging issues. Improving your setup guides quality sleep, supports sharper thinking, balanced hormones, stronger immunity, and so much more.

Who’s ready to wake up refreshed and take on life your very best? Here’s to nailing down that nighttime recovery you deserve, thanks to helpful bedroom gear and upgraded understanding, positively transforming rest!

Frequently asked questions

1) Can weighted blankets actually help beat insomnia?

They may or may not fully resolve the underlying causes of insomnia, but yes, weighted blankets’ calming traits help many people with insomnia finally get restorative sleep. The light pressure and cozy feeling help short-circuit restless mind racing and body tension, keeping people awake. For lifelong poor sleepers with anxiety or childhood sleep associations, weighted blankets are total game changers getting shuteye!

2) What’s the best way to clean weighted blankets at home?

Treat stains immediately with spot cleaning following weighted blanket guidelines to preserve quality and avoid damage long-term. Some permit very gentle machine washing but require complete air drying, which takes days. Hand washing also works for thorough cleaning. However, heavy launderings that are too frequent may degrade inner weighted compartments, so skip overdoing it.

3) Any safety issues to know about weighted blankets?

Picking suitable weight and size blankets to prevent suffocation or mobility issues remains vital safety rule number one. Children especially require cautious use under pediatrician guidance only. When appropriately aligned to someone’s age and body structure, following instructions and weighted blankets offer significant well-being upsides, minimizing harm through controlled, cautious applications that benefit sleep immensely.

4) When should someone try a mattress topper for better sleep?

Mattress discomfort usually announces itself through the chronic middle of the night tossing/turning, next day body aches, plus difficulty waking refreshed, signaling opportunity. Adding cushioning toppers lifts strain on shoulders, hips and back, giving essential support and realigning the spine comfortably throughout rest cycles, preventing such issues and benefiting sleep efficiency greatly.

5) Can you layer a mattress topper onto memory foam, too?

Memory foam beds definitely allow added topper padding to customize comfort/support, too. Just avoid excessive sinking, balancing thickness aptly against foam properties, and experimenting for the ideal feel. Overall, toppers remain remarkable adjustable alternatives, reconciling pressure points or a lack of mattress contouring, distinctly bettering rest initially beyond foam alone.