How to join a free back to work career coaching programme for parents

Want to return to work but feel like you’ve lost your confidence, or just need extra support and guidance? Successful Mums Career Academy is holding a free back-to-work coaching programme. 

Over a series of tailored, one-to-one sessions, the skilled coaches will cover a whole raft of brilliant topics including:

  • Getting your mojo back
  • CV creation
  • Finding a job
  • Applications
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Combatting nerves
  • Interview skills
  • Where the flexible and part time jobs are hiding

Jane Knight, founder of Successful Mums, notes that confidence is a such an issue for parents and carers returning to work. So many women question whether their skills and experience are enough and are often intimated by the prospect of using new or complex technology.

Through this programme, her goal is to help these women take stock of all their amazing accomplishments and realise the transferable skills that they have learnt both as a mum and in previous careers.

According to a recent report, every year at least 120,000 mums leave full-time work while 25,080 mums leave the workforce altogether, yet 98% of mothers want to work. 

Jane says: “We don’t believe mums should feel there is no choice but to stay at home, or that they should be penalised because of having a baby. Successful Mums doesn’t just provide tailored career information, advice and guidance, we also help our learners find a job that fits around their family.

“We know the majority aren’t looking for a ‘9 to 5’ role and we help them to navigate the recruitment process, linking them to flexible friendly employers.” 

The coaching is available to book now and is online and flexible. As part of the programme parents have access to a network of like-minded women through a series of webinars. Parents must be unemployed or on a career break to be eligible. 

Who are Successful Mums?

Founded in 2014, Successful Mums Career Academy is an award-winning specialist training company for mums. The company has supported more than 8,500 parents to find flexible careers through free online training courses, coaching and qualifications.  

Successful Mums brings together a network of like-minded women to support and plan their future flexible career. Women can lose direction and confidence after a career break, and Successful Mums is focused on breaking down the barriers that are preventing mums from returning to the workplace – confidence, career advice and childcare.   

Want to join the programme? You can register your interest here, call 020 3633 9672  or visit find out more.