How to handle stress during the COVID-19 pandemic

Since COVID-19 hit, the world has changed dramatically. And many are finding it hard to cope with the new changes, such as staying inside. The resulting stress has taken a toll on our mental health.

The first thing we ant to do is to reassure that you it is normal to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, and even bored right now. We have not faced something like this as a society, and anything new can feel strange and worrying – it takes time to adjust to.

But this current lockdown won’t last forever. It will gradually ease and we will return to ‘normal’ life again. And in the meantime, there are things you can do to help your feelings.

If you have been overly stressed and are not able to do some daily tasks, there are a few things that we would like to suggest that you do to make yourself feel better. Among those things, using stress treatment and managment can help reduce your stress level tremendously.

Talk to your loved ones

in our fast-paced lives before the pandemic, many of us rarely had time to talk to our loved ones. However, we stayed connected to the outside world, which made us feel less isolated than we do now. Going to the mall, shopping, meeting with friends, or even going out alone for a coffee made us feel in touch with the world.  

Being away from people can cause stress and depression. So call your family, such as your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and catch up on all what their activities have been. Staying connected will effectively lower your stress levels. 

Maintain a routine

Even when you are working from home, do your best to do things at similar times as you did before the pandemic. So go to sleep and wake up at the same time, shower, eat breakfast and dress, just as you would usually.

And whether you’re working from home or keeping up with household chores, keep to your pre-lockdown schedules as much as possible (or create a new schedule). Keeping to routines and feeling productive can give you a sense of security and satisfaction/accomplishment that is good for your mental health.

Give yourself time

You need to unwind and relax, so prioritise doing things you enjoy or find calming. This could be reading a book, gardening, cooking, watching TV or self-care, such as taking a long bath, using a face-mask, meditating or even taking a nap. You don’t need to be productive all the time.

Go outside

While you should avoid public places and contact with other people, you are allowed out to get exercise once a day, so make sure you get some exercise, fresh air, vitamin D and a change of scenery.

If there’s a park or countryside within walking distance of your home, try to spend some time walking there. Spending time in nature can be very beneficial when you are stressed. 

Get help for anxiety

If you are relay struggling with your mental health, look online for support and professional psychological help. A specialist will listen to your problems and feelings, and suggest a solution. Everyone copes with stress differently, and sometimes it is hard for you to know what can make you feel better.