How to get a job on a Disney cruise line

Is it your dream to work for Disney? Find out how you can get a job on a Disney cruise line.

Working for Disney doesn’t just have to involve taking up a position on dry land, as in addition to its resorts and amusement parks, the entertainment titan also has a successful presence in the cruise liner market.

So what steps do you need to take to secure your dream job aboard one of the many ships in Disney’s fleet? Here’s an overview of key processes and advice to follow.

How to make your resume stand out

When applying for any job, your resume is one of the first things that will be reviewed by hiring managers.

To stand out to potential employers at Disney’s cruise operations, make sure you highlight all your relevant qualifications and experiences in a professional manner. This means making sure you’ve read the job description thoroughly, and tailored your resume to match the criteria. Don’t just send off a generic resume and expect to make any progress, as this will just look lazy.

There are actually lots of different roles available, so whether you want to specialize in selling travel to clients as a Disney travel agent, or serving guests onboard as a member of the customer service team, you should find a job that matches any existing skills and experience you bring to the table.

Most importantly, proofread your resume multiple times before submitting it, because even minor typos can ruin the entire thing. Get a friend, family member or colleague to look it over as well for added peace of mind.

Tips on creating an impressive cover letter for Disney positions

Writing a great cover letter is essential to securing any job, and this especially applies when applying to work with such an iconic brand.

As well as all the usual elements, remember to include details about what makes you unique, highlighting what sets you apart from other applicants. For instance, mention any achievements or awards related to hospitality that you’ve earned so employers can get an idea of how dedicated and experienced you are within this industry.

The tone should remain professional throughout, but also passionate. Express how much working at Disney Cruise Line would mean to you personally, and why you’ve got this connection. Once again it’s about making your application and covering letter specific and personal, rather than generic.

What to expect during the interview process

The interview process for a job at Disney Cruise Line can be quite daunting, but there are steps you can take to prepare yourself mentally and make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.

Firstly, research all aspects of the position thoroughly. This will show recruiters and the interview panel that you have an understanding of what is required from someone in such a role.

Secondly, practice answering potential questions out loud if possible. This will help boost your confidence when speaking about yourself during the actual interview.

In addition, remember that interviews require more than just knowledge. Try and demonstrate how committed you are to working on board one of their cruise ships, and explain how you’ve followed your passions for this particular industry and company in the past.

Also, showcase any skills or experiences related to hospitality which could benefit them specifically. Employers want employees who truly love what they do, so remain confident throughout while also displaying humility at the right moments.

Do the work – and get the job!

The more work you put into your application and interview preparation for a job with Disney’s cruise arm, the better your chances of nabbing your dream job at the end of this process. Focus on the fact that you are unique, and have specific strengths to bring to the table, and you’ll be on the right track.