How to deal with household disruption when you’ve got kids in the mix
Moving house, performing renovations, and anything else that disrupts your home life can have a dramatic impact on your children.
As a parent, it’s all too easy to get caught up in whatever household disruptions you’re trying to deal with or resolve, and assume that your child will just cope with the changes.
But when their home life is disrupted they’re often dealing with two big changes – the house move or building work – and a change in their routines and the level of attention you can give them.
So, to help you manage the fallout of any household disruptions more easily when you have kids in the mix, here are three simple tips.
1) Make time tor your children
As we’ve already mentioned, when you’re pre-occupied with big changes at home – and need to practically deal with them – you often have little time and energy left for your children. And they notice that.
Children need a healthy amount of attention from their parents at the best of times, and with the disruption in their lives right now, they actually need MORE reassurance and time from you, not less.
So try to find ways to ‘buy’ yourself more time and energy. For example, can you outsource or delegate some tasks, rather than needing to do them yourself?
Companies like Dirt Cheap Rubbish Removal can help you by saving you the time and hassle of long trips to the dump. There are lots of other similar types of service designed to make life easier for you. And just think: what you rather do? Sit in a queue at the dump, or spend an hour with your child? Not only is it easier but more enjoyable!
2) Make places for them to study and play
Often when we’re experiencing disruption at home – moving house or renovating – it’s easy to get used to living in chaos.
And while making do is okay for short periods, it can be disorientating and disruptive for children, who thrive with familiarity and routine. So while they are at school, surprise them by making a place for them to study and play when they get home.
Ensure they have a place that is ‘theirs’ away from the upheaval, so they feel a sense of security, and can complete homework and assignments more easily.
3) Look after their physical health
While most building sites today are as safe as possible, it’s important to think about your child’s health when you’re working on your home.
Dust can be bad for developing lungs, while constant loud noise can put a young person under a lot of stress. So it’s important to ensure your children are well away from any work being done on your home.
If you don’t have rooms in your house that are dust-free, you might want to consider letting them stay with family or friends through the worst of the work. It will also make it easier for you to power through more quickly if you’re working on the renovations yourself.
So if you’re planning a big upheaval at home – perhaps a house move or renovation- consider how it might impact your child, and how you can minimise that as much as possible so the project goes smoothly and your children are happy and healthy.
Photo by Milivoj Kuhar