How to choose the best mattress for teenagers

If you have a teenager living at home, the chances are that they need a good night’s sleep, but struggle to get one.

Studies show that teenagers require about 8-10 hours of sleep every night to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing. And, like everything else, when it comes to mattresses, teenagers have a very different set of needs.

So we’ve compiled a quick, eight-point guide to help you choose the best mattresses for your teenager’s specific needs.

1) Choose the right size

Adolescence is the fastest stage of growth in humans and it is common for parents to discover that their child has outgrown their old mattress.

So it’s a good idea to look out for any growth spurts in your teen, and check that they still fit in their bed. Of course, your mattress can only be as big as the bed it sits on, so you should also invest in a bed of an appropriate size early on in their teens, such as Twin XL, Full or even Queen. 

2) Ease the pain

Young teenagers often have muscular pain arising from growth, especially around their calves, knees and thighs. Such muscular ache, especially in the night, is common among teens who perform increased outdoor activities.

You may therefore want to invest in a hybrid mattress or one made up of memory foam and latex, as they are known for relieving the pressure points and soothing sore muscles. 

3) Check the firmness

It is important to select the right firmness while choosing a mattress for you teenage child. The mattress should be firm enough to support their spine, shoulder, neck, hips and legs. It should also be soft and comfortable enough to not cause any joint pain.

Memory foam, adaptive foam, hybrid, latex, and airbeds are all particularly suited to help maintain a good spinal posture during sleep. With Sleep.8 mattresses, you can rest assured that your back is cradled in comfort, aligning with your body’s natural contours for a restful night’s sleep.

4) Choose the right thickness

Different types of layered mattresses can have different thickness parameters, but a 10-inch thickness is generally considered an ideal height for adolescents.

The thickness of a mattress for a plus-size teenager might need to increase another two to three inches. Failing to acquire the correct thickness for your mattress may mean decreased durability, especially if your teen is above 230 pounds.

6-inch mattress thickness is the thinnest that’s recommended.  Any shorter and there is a good chance they’ll bottom out.

5) Ensure heat regulation

We’ve often heard about the importance of maintaining the optimum bedroom temperature in supporting our sleep hygiene. And when it comes to mattresses, heat regulation is equally important.

Many mattresses may seem perfectly comfortable, but fail to regulate heat properly. If a mattress is not built with breathable materials, the chances are that it will end up trapping heat, which may lead to uneasiness while sleeping.

Most mattresses made up of adaptive foam are good for temperature regulation, especially ones that come with an additional layer of graphite or ceramic gel beads. 

6) Allow them to move

A constricting feeling during the sleep may cause interruption for your teen while they’re trying to sleep. So, apart from checking the firmness, you should also keep in mind the ease of movement provided by the mattress.

Mattresses that have increased responsiveness and bounce are ideal for providing the freedom to move around while sleeping.

However, too much of bounciness in the mattress, or empty space in the bed may mean more tossing and turning in the night, which ultimate hampers sleep quality. 

7) Consider their sleeping position

Considering the sleeping position for a teenager is crucial before choosing the firmness of their mattress.

When sleeping on your side, your arms bear the weight of your body, which means you need extra softness from your mattress. Back-sleepers, on the other hand, do not require this cushioning. In fact a relatively stiffer mattress is good for their spine, which is why a moderate firmness is ideal for them.

Stomach-sleepers, meanwhile, require a firmer mattress to support their spine. The same firmness is ideal for heavier teens to prevent the effect of sinking while sleeping. 

8) Strong edges are key

While most mattresses may seem firm around when new, they can soon start to sag around the edges as they age – especially with plenty of use.

This is why it’s a good idea to look for mattresses that are reinforced around the edges, especially if your teenager and their friends like to sit on their bed to play computer games, watch TV or chat.

Hybrid, latex and innerspring mattresses are generally recommended over regular foam-based mattresses when it comes to edge support. 

What kind of mattress is right for YOUR teenager?

Choosing the perfect mattress for your teenager is one of the most important steps towards achieving a better sleep quality

Teenagers today can be so pre-occupied with their studies, games, social network presence, etc, that they can find it hard to get a good night’s sleep. And although it may not always seem like it, teens actually need more sleep than adults do.  

Photo by Jakari Ward