How many coffees does Santa need to power him through Christmas Eve?

Wondering how you’ll find the energy for your Christmas preparations? Spare a thought for Santa! Find out how many coffees he needs to power through.

As we head ever closer towards the 25th December, the excitement for Santa visiting is growing. Last year, Santa delivered over 7.6 billion presents after visitingmore than 200 countries. So, Santa deserved his year-long rest in 2023.  

Soon, he will be heading back out on his sleigh to visit everyone on the naughty and nice list this year, and we will be tracking him all the way. But how does Santa manage to stay up throughout the longest night of the year? 

Lucy Ward, marketing executive at Beanies Flavour Co, says: “There is no doubt it is a long night for Santa as he jumps from country to country. As far as long nights go, Santa has the longest – travelling for just under two days is going to require some caffeine to help keep him awake and warm during his long flight.” 

How to keep up with Santa 

Daily, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is tasked with tracking the skies. But every Christmas Eve, all attention turns to the most important man in the sky – Santa. 

This tracking system keeps an eye on Santa during his whole journey, making sure he manages each stop and letting you know exactly when Santa is likely to land at your home.  

Whether this is to ensure your children are tucked in their beds in time or to make sure you’ve placed your food and drink out for Santa at the right time, keeping an eye on him during his journey is something families across the world like to do.  

How many coffees does Santa drink on Christmas Eve?

So how many coffees does it take Santa to complete his festive duties? From sundown in Australia to Christmas morning in Alaska, Santa is travelling for a consistent 36 hours to deliver all his presents.

Not only does this mean he has to be awake for almost two days (including the time he needs to pack his sleigh!), but he also must be moving quickly to get every present under the tree without being noticed.  

Since Santa visits roughly between 9pm and midnight in each country, ensuring every child is asleep, he has the task of planning his route each year. And we can expect that for this one night, Santa is swapping his hot cocoa for a mocha-flavoured coffee or even an espresso shot for those long hauls over the Atlantic.  

Caffeine can stay in the system for anywhere between four and six hours. As he travels for 36 hours at a time, we can expect Santa to drink anywhere between six and nine coffees every Christmas Eve to stay awake. 

Leave a drink and a snack out for Santa

This means that Santa will need to be drinking a cup of coffee for approximately every 1.2 to 1.9 billion presents he delivers. But Santa’s tight schedule means he can’t stop for a quick coffee break every few hours, making it even more important that we put out the right food and drink for him at night.  

Lucy Ward says: “Santa has a long night ahead of him, so making sure we are keeping him well-supplied for the night is important. Most people put out the traditional milk and cookies, but offering him a quick, hot coffee might actually help to keep Santa on track for the night (as well as adding a bit of variety into his Christmas Eve diet).” 

As parents, we know how long Christmas Eve night can be, and it isn’t only us who need coffee for the long night ahead. Santa has to travel from Australia to Alaska, only stopping at the houses to deliver presents, and ensuring you have a quick coffee on hand can help those deliveries run smoother.