How can tech help you grow and streamline your business in 2020?

Love to expand your business in 2020? Find out how tech can help you grow and streamline your business.

2020 has driven many people to put significant portions of their lives on hold. With a pandemic keeping them at home and preventing so many businesses from staying in operation, they’ve had to worry about their health and about their finances in very challenging circumstances.

But that doesn’t mean we should simply give up on the year, treating it as a write-off.

If you’ve been fortunate (or prescient) enough to keep your business afloat throughout the events of the first half of the year, then you’ve done very well. You shouldn’t just settle for that, though: if you do the right things, you can actually expand your business in the rest of 2020, and make it a more efficient operation in the process. The key to this puzzle is tech.

In this post, we’re going to look at a few ways in which tech can help you grow and streamline your business throughout the rest of the years. Let’s get to them.

It can neatly track your expenses

Staying aware of everything you’re spending is extremely important for ensuring that you’re budgeting carefully, because saving money whenever possible allows you to spend it more freely on things that really matter.

Whatever you’re spending money on, tech can help in some way: you can use fuel card schemes to cut back on your travel costs (see iCompario), for instance, or save a small amount of money with each transaction (Acorns can do it).

It can automate your processes

Spending time on repetitive work is a real waste of a business owner’s time. You should be putting the most effort into finding new sales leads, networking in your industry, and working on the overall value propositions and plans of your business.

If your schedule is full of boring tasks that see you going through the same processes over and over again, you should use tech to automate them: a tool like Zapier can draw together numerous distinct apps and set up some workflows that you can easily repeat whenever you need them.

It can let you save on office space

We need to remember that it’s only because of technology that so many people have been able to keep working effectively in the midst of a pandemic.

In this time of crisis, the SaaS industry has really stepped up and allowed companies that had never seriously considered remote working to successfully make the move and stay productive. Even better, it’s shown us that many businesses don’t need offices at all – ever. If you’re still renting office space, then maybe it’s time to let it go and put the money you save towards the business.

It can get you cheap exposure

PPC advertising is better and more configurable than it’s ever been, particularly through platforms like Facebook Ads: get creative, choose your targeting parameters very carefully, and you can bring in a lot of relevant visitors without spending a lot of money. Relative to more traditional forms of advertising, it’s quick, easy, and cost-effective.

Some people are intimidated by technological progress, but it’s fantastic for talented entrepreneurs. Don’t settle for 2020 being a mediocre year for your business: using all the tech at your disposal, take action now to make it a year of growth.