Four things that will make or break your resume

Applying for a new job? Discover the four things that can make or break your resume.

According to a Template Lab study on recruiter behavior, recruiters spend only around six seconds per resume. And, rather than read each CV, they simply skim at the top of each section before deciding if you’re the right fit.

So what you include in your resume – and how easy the right information is to find – can mean the difference between being contacted for an interview or not.

To help you, here are four things that can make or break your resume, and what you should do to increase your chances of getting an interview. 

1) Your resume format

What should your resume format look like? Some people keep it simple, while others prefer bright colors and fancy graphics.

According to ResumeBuild official, the ultimate resume building tool, a resume’s format can easily make or break your job application. If you’re not sure about the correct format, use an online resume builder to give it a professional look.

Resume builders provide a variety of professional resume templates, pre-written examples, and resume samples you can check to help you create an impressive resume that stands out.

Be intentional about the resume layout and put the most crucial information at the top. It could be your experience, your skills, or your education. 

2) How you showcase your achievements

Simply telling a potential employer of what you do isn’t enough. Companies want employees who can add value to their organization.

So your resume needs to clearly demonstrate what you’ve achieved throughout your work history. Without highlighting your various achievements, your resume becomes a non-starter. 

Showcase your achievements by using quantifiable results in roles and responsibilities. Demonstrate your great work achievements to convince the employer why they should hire you.

You don’t have to include everything you’re proud of in your career. Just pick your key accomplishments and showcase them in your resume simply and clearly.

3) Customizing your resume

Don’t send exactly the same resume for every job application. That’s a big no if you want to land the dream job and a chance at an interview.

If you can’t customize your resume to a specific job application, then you’re wasting opportunities. Every job application has its own particular requirements, so read them carefully, and then ask yourself what critical information you need when applying.

A customized resume that answers the questions that recruiters have in mind is more likely to land you a job. They want to know about the experience you have, about your accomplishments, and about the skills you possess that may help them solve problems. But only in relation to their requirements.

Customizing your resume to a job application enables you to highlight these details, and demonstrate why you’re the perfect fit for that particular role.

4) Listing the right skills

To prove you’re the best candidate for the job, you need to fine-tune your skills section, especially in any skills-based career, like tech.

Instead of merely cramming all your skills in that section, be selective in what you want recruiters to see. Know what’s required in the job you’re applying for or in the industry, and highlight that. 

Recruiters expect to see skills that match their job opportunities, and only those that are precise will stand out. So express your skillset using best-practice industry terms that define skills clearly. Highlight the skills you’ve gained and can offer to the company to solve their problems. 

Photo by Bram Naus