Five ways you can prevent pet allergies this spring

During spring, the mixture of pet dander, tiny, microscopic flakes of skin shed by animals with fur or feathers, and pet hair can significantly worsen allergy symptoms. 

Luckily, Jennie Smith, owner of Dogs Own Grooming, explains some strategic grooming practices and innovative cleaning methods to help you maintain a comfortable, allergen-reduced home to ensure an enjoyable spring season regardless of what allergens are floating around your house. 

1) Regular grooming sessions… but with the right brush

Regular grooming is one of the best ways to reduce pet hair, dander, and pollen in your home. However, effective grooming requires the right tools, such as deshedding brushes, grooming gloves, and undercoat rakes. A regular brush just isn’t going to cut it for dogs.

Having the right tools makes a substantial difference, especially in long-haired breeds. Professional grooming services offer deep cleaning and thorough grooming that can be hard to achieve at home, but for those times between professional sessions, establishing a routine of brushing your pet a few times a week with the right tools will significantly reduce allergens in your environment.

2) Invest in high-efficiency cleaning tools

Investing in high-quality cleaning tools is essential to combat pet hair and dander. Vacuum cleaners equipped with HEPA filters are particularly effective, as they can capture particles as small as pet dander. For air quality, air purifiers with HEPA filters can remove allergens from the air, relieving allergy sufferers.

3) Create an allergen-reduced space

If you suffer from severe allergies, creating zones in your home where pets are not allowed can significantly reduce exposure to allergens. These pet-free areas, like an office or bedroom, provide a haven, especially during peak pollen seasons.

Regularly wash pet bedding, toys, and even your pet’s favourite lounging blankets in hot water to kill allergens and opt for furniture that doesn’t trap hair as easily to create an allergen-reduced living environment.

4) Feed them the right food

A pet’s diet directly impacts its skin and coat health, which affects how much it sheds. Foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can improve coat health, reducing shedding and dander production. Remember, a healthy pet sheds less.

Regular veterinary check-ups will help identify any underlying health issues that may cause excessive shedding, so make sure you are regularly taking your pet to the vet.

5) Explore new pet care solutions

From wearable pet garments designed to reduce shedding to grooming gadgets that trap hair and dander, these innovative products can significantly help maintain a cleaner home. Look for ones that your pet is most comfortable with and that fits into your lifestyle.

Create an allergy-free home this spring

The battle against pet hair and dander is ongoing, especially during the allergy-inducing spring season. Yet, with the right combination of grooming, cleaning, and pet care strategies, it is possible to create a comfortable living space for everyone in the household.