Five things you can do to find a new job or career this year

Ready to make a positive change in your professional life this year? Here are five things you can do to find a new job or career.

The festive season is a time for reflection for many. Once the hype and build up to Christmas Day has passed, our thoughts turn to the future. And we consider what we’d like to take with us into the year ahead, and what we’d like to leave behind.

No wonder then that January is one of the busiest seasons for life and career coaches, estate agents and divorce lawyers (8 January is apparently ‘Divorce Day‘).

But what can you do practically if, during your own reflection you decide that it’s time to change job or even career?

What I want to talk about is career change – whether that’s changing elements of the job you’re already in, being promoted, returning to work or having a complete change altogether.

Louise Deverell-Smith, founder of Daisy Chain is dedicated to promoting the benefits of flexible working and championing it to be the norm in a society where it is not only needed but expected – and rightly so. 

Here’s what Louise said about finding a new role – and her advice to help you get started.

People want more out of life – and their jobs

I can totally understand and empathise with the people that are logging on today determined to make a change for the better to help with their work-life balance and general happiness and wellbeing. 

The people we work with are not all parents, but they are all people who want flexibility and know the power of working this way, both as employees and employers. The days of sitting at a desk Monday-Friday 9-5 are archaic and do not constitute productivity, far from it. 

People want more out of life and more out of their jobs, and any employer worth their salt will be aware of this and be prepared for it. So if played right, it can be a great time to negotiate the right job for you.

Here are five tips to help you get started on finding the perfect job or career this year.

1) Know the pros and cons

By this I mean really have a good think about what you like in your current job and what you don’t, as well as what areas you excel in and where you perhaps don’t.

Build up a clear idea of what role you feel would be the best for you. Write a job description for yourself with what you’d like to be doing on a day-to-day basis alongside the hours you’d like to work and how your week looks (for example, would you like to work from home one day).

2) Know your limits 

We can all be guilty of getting carried away with a great job but maybe overlooking the fact that it will add an hour of travelling on to our days or that the salary isn’t quite so good for the hours worked, so just take stock and be rational.

3) Remember your network

A lot of the time people are the key to your next stage of change and just putting it out there that you are wanting a new opportunity or are looking to change things up may open doors. It’s not just the people you know remember, but their network too so do state your intention!

4) Do your research 

As far as I’m concerned you can never over-prepare for a new job or a change of career – really get to know the sector or industry you are wanting to enter, connect with people in it and ask questions. Most people really don’t mind helping someone out and answering a few questions on something they are passionate about. 

5) Aim high

Remember your worth here – you deserve to be happy, everyone does, so do set your sights accordingly and don’t make do. Believe in yourself and your worth and the rest will follow. 

Daisy Chain is a free online platform for parents where they can match and connect with flexible employers to enhance their careers and work-life balance.

Photo by Alex Suprun