Five side hustles to get paid on the side in 2023

Are you thinking about a side hustle in 2023? It’s still not too late! With the rise of the gig economy, people are finding new ways to earn money on the side while still working their full-time jobs.

Whether you’re looking to pay off debt, save for a down payment on a house, or want some extra cash, a side hustle can be a great way to achieve your financial goals. In this article, we’ll see five side hustles you can try to create an additional source of income.

1) Becoming an influencer

You can leverage that audience to promote products and services if you have a decent social media following. Companies are always looking for influencers to promote their products, and you can earn a commission on each sale made through your unique link. 

Keep in mind that building a social media following takes time, effort, and patience. You must consistently create content that resonates with your audience and engages them in conversations. And once you have a decent number of followers, you can try going the influencer route to make extra income.

2) Freelancing on Upwork or Fiverr

If you have skills in a particular area, such as graphic design, web development, or writing, freelancing on Upwork or Fiverr can be an excellent way to earn money on the side. The platforms connect freelancers with businesses and individuals who need their services. You can set your own rates and work on projects that align with your skills and interests.

However, remember that you will need a strong skill level in your field to stand out. Your pay size will depend on your experience, portfolio, and ability to provide results. Therefore, always keep learning to increase your income over time.

3) Selling arts and crafts

If you’re creative and enjoy crafting, you can turn your passion into a side hustle by selling your artwork or crafts. You can sell your creations on websites like Etsy, which is a popular platform for handmade goods. Selling arts and crafts not only helps you earn extra money but also allows you to express your creativity and showcase your talent to the world.

4) Earning apps

There are many earning apps that you can download on your phone to earn extra money on the side. For example, Swagbucks pays you for completing surveys, watching videos, and playing games. Another popular app is Foap, which lets you sell photos to businesses and individuals. There are other apps that offer micro jobs, such as JumpTask, which not only has surveys but games too. 

However, as microtask apps do not require a lot of skill, the pay is not significant. You will not become rich from apps alone! Nevertheless, making money on these apps is flexible and can be managed with your other commitments.

5) Social media management

If you have a talent for creating content and managing social media accounts, you can offer your services to businesses that need help with their social media presence. Many small businesses do not have the time or expertise to manage their social media accounts and are willing to pay someone to do it for them. 

You can contact businesses in your area and offer your services or use platforms like Upwork to find clients. Again, remember that your pay will increase over time as you manage to take up more prominent clients and sell them your services.

6) Become an online personal trainer

If you love spending time in the gym, why not turn your passion for health and fitness into a booming side business? 

Whether you’re just looking to supplement your current income or have dreams of a full-time fitness business in the future, online personal training side hustle is a great way to start.

With online personal training, you will deliver 100% of your training to clients remotely. This involves sharing workouts and extra content like recipe guides to clients through PDFs, videos, emails, and more. The majority of this training is delivered using personal trainer software like Trainerfu and is completed by the client on their own time.

Find the side hustle that suits you

In conclusion, you can do many side hustles to earn extra money on the side. From becoming an influencer to freelancing on Upwork or Fiverr, selling arts and crafts, using earning apps, to social media management, you can choose the one that suits your skills and interests.

A side hustle not only helps you earn extra money but also allows you to explore your passion and creativity. Building a successful side hustle takes effort and dedication, but the rewards can be significant. Start your side hustle today; it might eventually turn into a full-time gig!