Five lucrative business ideas for ambitious female entrepreneurs

Female entrepreneurship is growing to all new heights. However, despite the ongoing growth, there is still quite a way to go before we can completely level the playing field. 

For now, men still dominate most industries, take home bigger annual paychecks, and endure less sexism in the workplace as a general standard. Fortunately, despite the nagging social norm, tons of business ideas are perfectly ideal for women. 

So, if you’re starting your own business as an ambitious female entrepreneur, and you’re looking for a lucrative business idea, we’ve listed a few for you. But with that said, keep in mind that these ideas genuinely only scratch the surface of opportunities that women can take on.

1) Daycare businesses

Motherly instincts come naturally to many women, which makes caring for children a particularly lucrative business idea. These days, most mothers and fathers need to pursue their careers to take care of the families’ financial needs, which means the number of stay-at-home moms has declined tremendously. 

As a result, daycare centers are now high in demand, as this type of service has become essential for most of the population. 

You can also cut costs when launching your daycare business by using logo design tools and other digital branding tools. Furthermore, SEO tools and digital marketing tools are available to help you drop your marketing costs. 

2) App development

The tech industry is one particular sector that is no stranger to the intellect that women have to offer; the creator of Bumble is female, and women hold roughly 30% of tech positions. 

But regardless of which gender dominates the industry, women continue to make a notable impact. And because this specific industry continues to grow enormously, learning app development can be a highly profitable venture. 

3) Web design

Without Radia Perlman, we will not even have the internet, thanks to this heroine. She paved the way for women to create web pages that offer unique experiences in basically anything they want. 

Creating web pages is a highly profitable business, and as pages need to be maintained, you can potentially have an income for many years. You will, however, need to get training on this.

4) Life coaching

Studies confirm that stress and anxiety levels are at an all-time high with all the chaotic recent events. Beyond the world’s recent hardships, society is also becoming far more accepting of mental health awareness than ever before.

As a direct result, businesses that offer services that help uphold mental and emotional wellbeing are growing in the market. These services are now high in demand, and women typically have inherent traits that make the gender naturally more suited to offer such services. 

5) Beauty studio

Two particular industries have pretty much always been dominated by women; fashion and beauty. However, a small number of men are also working in these industries. 

And with all the new trending treatments and beauty styles constantly emerging, there’s no doubt that these sectors will be around until the end of time as well. 

Many of the biggest and most successful companies are run by women, and with that, they created a whole new field for women to become whatever they want to. And as a woman has more ability to show empathy and care than males, there are more opportunities to start.