Five common types of personal injury claims

Wondering if you have a legitimate personal injury claim? We look at five of the most common types of claim. 

Personal injury claims can cover a wide range of scenarios; the common ground is that each stems from the negligence or wrongful actions of another party. 

If you’re considering bringing a personal injury claim after experiencing injury and/or loss. We explore some of the most common types of these claims, and examine their causes, legal principles, and avenues for recourse with the help of a personal injury attorney.

1) Car accidents

Car accidents are among the most common causes of personal injury claims. Whether a collision is caused by speeding, distracted driving, drunk driving, or other forms of negligence, it can result in severe injuries, including whiplash, fractures, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord damage. 

Personal injury claims arising from car accidents usually involve demonstrating the defendant’s negligence and proving the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries and damages.

2) Slip and fall accidents

Slip and fall accidents occur when someone is injured on another person’s property due to hazardous conditions, such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, or inadequate lighting. 

Property owners have a duty or care to maintain safe premises and warn visitors of known dangers. Personal injury claims stemming from slip and fall accidents often hinge on proving the property owner’s negligence and establishing the link between the hazardous condition and the plaintiff’s injuries.

3) Medical malpractice

Medical malpractice happens when healthcare professionals fail to adhere to the accepted standard of care, resulting in patient harm. 

Examples of medical malpractice can include surgical errors, misdiagnosis, medication mistakes, and birth injuries. Personal injury claims in medical malpractice cases require expert testimony to establish the healthcare provider’s breach of duty and demonstrate causation between the negligence and the patient’s injuries.

4) Product liability

Product liability claims arise from injuries caused by defective or dangerous products, including faulty auto parts, contaminated food products, and malfunctioning consumer goods. 

Manufacturers, distributors, and sellers may be held liable for injuries resulting from design defects, manufacturing defects, or inadequate warnings. 

Personal injury claims in product liability cases focus on proving the product’s defectiveness and its role in causing your injuries.

5) Workplace accidents

Workplace accidents cover injuries sustained at work, including construction site mishaps, industrial accidents, and exposure to hazardous substances. 

While workers’ compensation typically covers injuries arising from workplace accidents, personal injury claims may be pursued against third parties, such as negligent contractors or equipment manufacturers. These claims often involve proving negligence and demonstrating the link between the defendant’s actions and the worker’s injuries.

Ready to make a personal injury claim?

If, after reading this article, you believe you may have a legitimate person injury claim, your next step should be to speak to an attorney who socialises in this area of law. 

They will be able to assess whether your claim is valid, and advise you on your next steps in order to protect your rights and pursue rightful recourse.