Eight ways to reduce your electricity costs

Looking for ways to cut down on your outgoings? Here are eight ways you can reduce your electricity costs.

Saving on your electricity costs will improve the footprint that you leave on the environment as well. There are so many trivial things that can be done to safe on power.

The first thing that you need to do is get educated, and then educate everyone in your home. You can even teach visitors how to act, they will go home and begin doing the same types of things. You can also compare electricity rate or change your power supplies and any electrical parts of your house to have a more economic outcome in the long run. Bravo Electro can certainly help you with that.

So here they are – eight quick suggestions for ways you can cut down on your electricity costs.

1) Lighting

Change over to energy efficient bulbs, or even smart bulbs. Turn them off when you leave the room. If it is an issue for you to remember to flip a switch, then invest in some smart light switches that have built in sensors. With these the light will turn on when you enter the room and turn off when you leave. 

2) Appliances

Convert your house to energy saving appliances to reduce your energy consumption. This includes all your small appliances as well. The more updated that your house is, the bigger the impact on your electricity bill that you will see. Instead of throwing the old appliances in the trash consider giving them away to people in need. This prevents it from taking up space at the dump.

3) Turn off

Turn everything off when not in use. The United States Department of Energy claims that twenty percent of every home bill is due to items left plugged in. If you do not want to go around and manually unplug everything, use power strips that allow you to switch everything plugged into it off.

Better yet, invest in smart power strips that will do the work for you. Do an experiment to use as an electricity comparison. One month leave things the same. The next month make the changes and then compare the numbers.

4) Close down

Close your blinds and curtains to help control the inside temperature. If you want heat in, then open them up and allow the sun to warm things up a bit. 

5) Cold water

Use colder water. Do your laundry without turning on the hot water. Lower the temperatures of your showers and dishwashing water. Fill pots with chilly water and then bring them to a boil if needed. The less work that the hot water heater must do, the lower your bill will be.

6) Filters

Change the heating and cooling filters on a regular basis. Efficient operation of these units will improve the electricity usage that they require to do their jobs properly. Have your ducts cleaned out routinely to prevent plugged and broken ductwork. 

7) Thermostat

This is an amazingly simple thing that you can do to see an impact on your bill. Install a smart device and program it to run a little more efficiently. When you are not home there really is no need to have the heater set on eighty. Use some deductive reasoning and program the unit so it is set to use the least amount of power as it possibly can.

8) Insulate

If you are feeling drafts and cold spots you may want to consider adding some insulation to your home. It will directly help you regulate the interior temperatures. For example, in the winter, if you use heating oil to warm up the space, having excellent insulation will help keep the interiors hot. Otherwise it will lead to increased heating oil consumption. You can Learn more from Romeo’s on Long Island. You are responsible for keeping an eye on all the drafts and taking the necessary steps. 

Make sure your attic and basement have insulating layers between them and the main portion of the house. Change out your older windows for ones designed to help with energy costs. Use spray foam around doors to seal cracks and use weather stripping on the edges of the doorways.

Saving electricity is a simple task that involves taking one step at a time in the correct direction. Once you have the knowledge to save money on electricity bills, then you must implement your plan. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the fact that you have completed all the necessary steps to reduce your monthly bill.