Eight daily habits that can help you look after your mental health

Do you feel stressed and burned out? In this article we share eight daily habits that can help you look after your mental health.

Poor mental health can lead to burnout and poor physical health. Often as women we are spinning many different plates and it can be overwhelming. In the end women tend to sacrifice personal wellbeing and instead focus their energy on all the other aspects of their lives.

As an business owner or entrepreneur, it is important to take time to focus on our own mental wellbeing. It is difficult to pour from an empty cup. Implementing a printable daily checklist template can provide a clear structure to your day and help reduce stress by keeping you organized and focused on your personal well-being.

Why we need to care for our mental health

Post-pandemic there have been a lot of changes to working life and increased pressures for business owners. Lockdowns, closures and restrictions also have had a significant impact on mental illness.

Reports have shown that people with existing mental health issues have seen an exacerbation, people need more urgent mental health support and that coronavirus itself has heightened inequalities relating to mental health.

Research has also found that women are at a higher risk of poor mental health due to gender obstacles, biological influences (menstrual cycle, menopause etc), financial burderns, increased domestic responsibilities and isolation. 

There is a common misconception that we only need to focus on wellbeing if we have mental health issues. We need to shine a light on holisitic health – focussing on both physical and mental wellbeing regardless of whether we have mental health issues or not. 

Entrepreneurs and business owners are continuously solving problems, leading teams, providing guidance and also encouraging other team members. It is therefore important to have clarity of the mind and to be able to lead by example when it comes to self-care.

There are numerous benefits to supporting the mental health of female entrepreneurs. Studies suggest that female founded businesses perform better financially and have more engaged staffed. Women also tend to reinvest into their communities.

Eight daily habits to help you care for your mental health

So what can we do for our mental health? Here are eight suggestions of habits to try to incorporate into your daily life from Dr. Raj Arora.

1) Practice mindfulness 

Mindfulness allows you to have fixed time out from whatever is going on in the moment. Deep breathing can also lower your heart rate and keep you feeling calm.

2) Find a support system

We all need something to lean on, this could be a friend/family member or even a community through religion/faith. Allowing you to have an inner strength and resilience but also encouraging openness and communication. This helps prevent the feeling of isolation

3) Exercise regularly

Exercise helps to improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and also helps to improve self-esteem and cognitive function.

You could play your favorite sport, go to a local gym, or go out for a long hike across a picturesque landscape. When doing so, it makes sense to check out these UK hiking companies to find the best gear to carry with you as you go about exploring. 

4) Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is essential for your mental wellbeing. So try to get good quality sleep each night (aim for eight hours). Establish a routine, avoid screen time before bed as it can affect your sleep, try to do something relaxing before bed such as a bath or reading a book. 

5) Express gratitude for the positive things in your life

Reminding yourself of the positive things can help bring a feeling of happiness to your day. Research shows that counting your blessings can improve both physical and mental health.

6) Look after your physical health

Drink enough water, have a balanced diet and try to avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol. These steps will enhance your physical wellbeing which will have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing.

7) Connect with nature

Spending time outdoors has proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Try mindfulness in nature, a gardening exercise or a simple walk.

8) Get a skincare self-care routine in place

Following a skincare routine can force you to have some set time out to yourself with a focus on yourself. Research shows that focussing on yourself in this way can stop a worry spiral and can reduce anxiety. How we feel and how we look is closely linked. If you have glowy skin you are likely to feel more confident!

Dr. Raj Arora is one of the most prominent and well respected experts within the UK medical landscape.  She is one of the UK’s leading medical educators, a highly respected NHS GP, the founder of The Facebible and is an active Philanthropist.